Thank you for undergirding our trip with your prayers! We enjoyed wonderful driving weather and were graced to make the 24-hour round trip (through NC, VA, WV, MA, PA and NY) without incident. This Summer's Candidate Orientation ran Sunday, July 31 through Friday, August 5 and was held at Global Outreach Mission's Canadian Headquarters in St. Catherines, Ontario. Because of your prayerful involvement, it was an amazing time of preparation, bonding, worship, fellowship, and fun.
GOM Candidate Orientation Class, August 2016
What Were Our Roles As You Prayed?
As part of the six day event, I was privileged to lead four sessions on partnership development while Karen and I led two workshops together--the first on partnership software, the second on communication and interpersonal relationships. We also assisted presenters and participated in discussions as opportunity provided. Karen had the additional responsibilities to organize all the break foods, keep the coffee flowing, and run critical errands so Greg, VP of Personnel; Tom, Member Care Coordinator, and I could keep the event moving smoothly.

Karen's most critical errand was picking up passports overnighted to one of our missionary families and delivering them with 30 minutes to spare before they'd have had to change their flight arrangements for India! After nearly a year of processing paperwork, the Indian Consulate cut things a little too close for everyone's taste. Your prayers were certainly answered in that situation, let me tell you! Wow. What a blessing to see that whole family leave on time for Toronto International Airport!
Karen assists at the white board during one of our sessions.
Leading one of my sessions on Support Development
Here we are with Tom and Greg, debriefing in the conference room of our US Headquarters in Buffalo, NY the Monday after orientation.
How Was The Weather?
The weather in Ontario was wonderful. Everyone enjoys the summer orientation. It's our winter session that becomes a bit more of a challenge. With our US Headquarters in Buffalo, NY, and our Canadian Headquarters in...well, CANADA...February's orientation takes on something of a different feel. But that's looking a little too far ahead at this point. An additional weather-related fact we can attest to is that the humidity levels in Ontario are substantially lower than the humidity levels in North Carolina this time of year!
On the US side of Niagara Falls looking toward the Canadian side with one of the Hornblower Cruise ships in the foreground.
Sunset over the marina in Olcutt, NY.
A Special Blessing
We enjoyed an extra special blessing the Sunday after orientation as our good friends, Bob & Lisa, surprised us by driving up from Ohio to spend the day with us. It had been three years since we'd last seen each other. We laughed, acted like tourists, had a picnic on the Niagara River, enjoyed each others' company and it was all very, very good.
Karen & Keith, Bob & Lisa hanging out at "The Falls."
Thanks for being part of our lives and ministry through your love, gifts, friendship, and PRAYERS!