Friday, April 28, 2023

MMS Aviation Black & White Cessna 182 Part One

One of the major restoration projects in our hangar is a 1961 Cessna 182 to be used for ministry in the Philippines. This aircraft sustained substantial structural damage and would be scrapped except for the ministry of MMS Aviation. To replace the airplane would cost about $200,000 BEFORE it was inspected, repaired and upgraded. The avionics upgrade alone could run $100,000. So there's a $300,000 spent even before the engine is inspected. It could be $350,000 before a flying aircraft could be prepared to replace this damaged one.

1961 Cessna 182 fuselage under restoration.

Yet, because you support MMS Aviation, a scrap heap will be upgraded and returned to Kingdom service for approximately $90,000.00 in parts and materials! Not only that, but our apprentice mechanics gain the invaluable experience that only this project could provide. And this experience, in turn, is transferred to other missionary aircraft as our apprentices graduate and move into field service. It's a win-win-win for speeding the Gospel, maximizing Kingdom investment, and ensuring the next generation of competent, confident, and qualified missionary airplane mechanics reach the field.

An interesting detail is that this era of aircraft did not receive any anti-corrosion protection on any internal surface. It will receive that protection here. When it leaves our hangar, it will be better prepared INSIDE and OUTSIDE for the next 62 years!

Chuck "drives" rivets from outside the fuselage.

While Ben "bucks" the rivets from inside the fuselage.

Jay removes wing skin to repair a damaged wing spar.

Some rivets are tougher to remove than others. (And yes, I realize this isn't a black and white photo but the sparks look a lot cooler in color.)

And sometimes we find damage we didn't realize these "figure 8" holes (that should be three ROUND holes) requiring additional components to be replaced.

Thanks for being part of this project through your gifts and prayers!
Watch for Part 2 of this blog!

Monday, April 10, 2023

Missionary Slides

When you connect the words "missionary" and "slides" what comes to mind? 

A dark room, 40"x 40" roll-up movie screen, card table, folding chairs, the hum of a cooling fan and the clickity--clack of the machinery inside a Kodak Carousel projecting exotic images of far away places? Some images backward, some images upside down?

Missionary Slides?

Or, contemporary music, smoke machines, flash pots, and a multilayered media presentation including video, special effects, and QR Codes perfectly seamed together and flawlessly orchestrated from a visitor using their phone to fill the Jumbo-Tron in an auditorium of 3,000 seats?

Missionary Slides?

Or maybe your image is a bit more literal...

Missionary + Slide

But seriously folks, regardless of the era and/or our own generation...slides are still being generated by missionaries to inform, inspire, and involve others in God's work in ways their viewers wouldn't otherwise be engaged. Productions and presentations may change, but slides are slides.

You might not realize it, but even as an administrator with MMS Aviation, I make slides that cross media platforms to specifically target a rather unique audience: missionaries themselves! 

After that long-winded intro, here are several "missionary slides" I've created over the years. The photos are usually pulled from on-line photo resources and quotes, other than my own, are attributed to their source. I usually just match and format the two elements to convey an idea to encourage the missionaries we're mobilizing and/or coaching.

I hope you enjoyed this missionary slide show. Be watching for Karen's and my spring Global Flyer newsletter coming soon to a mailbox or inbox near you.


Chipping Sparrow

So there you have it. Installment #1 from the Keith & Karen's Mobilization & Partnership Services Coaching and Encouragement Slide File Folder.

Thanks for hanging out with us, praying for us, and making this ministry sustainable for the long-term!