Monday, March 23, 2020

We Are All Living In A Different World

How the world has changed since our last blog! And how the world continues to change as I write this post.

A few bullet-points to bring you up-to-speed on ministry in the midst of COVID-19:

Keith & Karen

  • Karen and I are fine. At this point many of you are under more severe restrictions than we are in Alamance County, North Carolina. As of Friday, there are two confirmed cases of the virus in our county.
  • As of this post, we are not under stay-at-home orders though all the other hygene/health related recommendations requirements you're already very familiar with wherever you live are in place. While downtown Graham is yet to be a ghost-town, my office is pretty much an isolation chamber. Karen and I talked about it over the weekend and, at this point, there continues to be advantages to me going in to the office. Should the number of viral cases spike, I'll put myself in a work-from-home mode. If the State doesn't do it first.
  • Our Spring newsletter, soon to be distributed, was created prior to COVID-19 going critical so it will focus on ministry updates as if the world had not changed.

Look for us on the cover of our next newsletter mailing!


  • We continue to fulfill our ministry responsibilities as before. The nature of our work being relational in nature, administrative in form, and personal instead of mechanical, the partnership coaching and training process continues even in this environment. Especially now our skills are needed more than ever for everyone living on faith support. 
  • As of this morning, MMS Aviation has closed their hangar doors for the duration of this crisis. Actually, Karen's and my work load may very well increase as the hangar load decreases. Raising support and maintaining support, has never been more challenging in this generation of missionary work.
MMS Maintenance Team Leader Mike Dunkley repairs a missionary aircraft prior to hangar shut-down.


  • Prayers that God's people will be a source of calm and confidence in a sea of panic
  • That relationships with our neighbors will grow as we reflect Christ in a time of focused intimacy in local isolation.
  • For contentment in the moment, grace to fill our hearts, and open hands with which to freely give.
  • Praise that Karen and I can fulfill our ministry responsibilities from the office or from home.
  • Wisdom as we coach, train, and encourage our missionaries in this new context of relational development and personal connection.
Thank you for your continued faithfulness in this difficult time. Be assured we're still at work, expanding God's Kingdom, regardless of COVID-19 or any other challenge this world can throw at us.