Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday Update and Tanner's Latest Literary Snack

If anyone's wondering, it's still winter out here in Ohio...

We ran some errands today, took the dogs up to the airport so they could crash through the snow drifts and wear themselves out, grabbed a couple movies at the rental place, and are starting to get organized for our trip to Colorado. We're flying out there to visit with one of our candidate families. It's been nearly a year since their evaluation and it's a good time to reconnect as they continue raising the support they need to begin service.

Karen has laundry going, I'm working at the computer, we've had snow flurries all day though it looks like the gray sky is currently snow-flake free.

Not much else to report, really.

Other than Tanner ate another book. Tanner enjoys books. Hardbound books. And for some reason, only MY hardbound books (he doesn't touch Karen's books). He really likes hardbound books from the library. I think those are his favorites. The whole concept of going to the library is so one doesn't have to buy the book. In reality, with Tanner in the house, it's cheaper for me to buy the book from Amazon at discount than it is for me to borrow it free from the library, have Tanner eat it, and then have to buy the eaten book from the library at full list price. Tanner has five books in his literary library so far. Isn't that jolly?

Tanner's latest literary snack.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a great trip! I guess Tanner has good taste! Love you All! Dadk