After that Karen and I ran to Auer Hardware (I needed an exterior exhaust fixture for a fan I'm putting together to vent a small spray booth in the basement) and Aldi's (Karen needed two metal shelves that were on sale) and stopped by a friend's house to visit and play with their dog.
Coming home I put the vent on the fan assembly and then worked on missionary stuff (record keeping, note writing, emailing, support tracking) while Karen worked in the basement doing laundry, sorting "keep/don't keep" items, rearranging, and building then filling the two, 5 tier shelves from Aldi.
Once I finished the missionary stuff, I trimmed Tanner's nails, and headed outside to mow, edge, and trim the yar

Speaking of movies...we went on a "date" last night and watched our first 3D movie: Legend of the Guardians. It's that animated owl movie. The 3D effects were great and the computer generated images were fantastic but the story was really weak.
The movie seemed like a patchwork of Lord of the Rings, Finding Nemo, Surf's Up, and Star Wars....a lot of the movie reminded us of the other movies.. and if any one of those owls would have said, "gizzard" one more time I would have walked out. You know, like "trust your gizzard, boy" or "he has a lot of gizzard" or "may the gizzard be with you"... It was a certainly an enjoyable experience, but I wouldn't rush out to watch the film for the plot.

Things up at MMS have been really busy, somewhat stressful, and everyone seems to be running flat out. The Cessna 337 is nearly finished and Williams Chang is bringing his King Air in on Monday for another "phase inspection." These are always an "all hands on deck" experience with lots of things to get done in a short amount of time.
Thanks for your prayers that enable Karen and I to provide the administrative support that keeps our mechanics focused on airplanes!