Saturday, January 14, 2012

Not Much Snow, But Tanner Likes It

For all the snowing and blowing over the previous 24 hours and all the hyperventilation on The Weather Channel about this most recent weather-threat to civilization...we ended up with less than an inch of snow. There's still a few flakes floating around but no reason to get any snow shovels out yet. A light broom works just fine on this, thank you very much. It certainly was a bit WINTERY for a few hours but now it's just overcast and cold.

After spending a good portion of her morning creating greeting cards on her computer, Karen's working on a sewing project in the basement.

Karen sewing a baby blanket for a friend who's expecting.

Me? I've been writing notes and emails, paying quarterly estimated taxes (less government = less taxes, less government intrusion = more personal liberty), and updating info on the computer. Today seems to be a day for household and missionary logistics. We do need to run to Ace Hardware for a couple small things, I have some workbench projects I'd like to get to later, and of course there's Tebow vs. Brady at 8:00 this evening. That should be worth the time to watch (though out here in the East it means a very late night and we need to be at worship team practice tomorrow morning by 7:45).

Tucker's down in the basement with Karen hoping that Karen will give her one of the LARGE bones from the dog biscuit box stored down there. Tanner's up here hanging out with me. If I go outside, he goes outside. If I'm on the couch, he's on the couch. If I'm on the chair, he's lays very close by. Tanner follows me around. Tucker follows Karen around.

Speaking of Tanner, Tanner likes snow. He likes to eat it. He likes to root around in it. Of course, when there's so little snow, he just licks it up. He'll be at the back door wanting to go out on the deck just so he can go lick up some snow and run right back in. He is one funny dog.

Tanner on the back deck.

Tanner with a bit of snow on his nose.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tanner is a hoot! Love Dad