Saturday, December 8, 2012

December 8th and it's 54 Degrees Outside

December 8th and it's 54 degrees outside here in Coshocton, OH...the land of Bob Evans, Browns, Buckeyes, and the Pro Football Hall of Fame. The rain outside "should" be snow, but I'm not complaining. It's going to be 70 degrees in Burlington, North Carolina today. Ah, Burlington...the land of Biscuitville, Jaguars, Tar Heels, and the NASCAR Hall of Fame.


After 15 years, it's hard to believe we only have two more weeks of direct involvement with MMS. Friday, December 21st should be Karen's and my last day in the hangar as "official" MMSers. The next time we visit MMS after that (MMS is closed between Christmas Eve and New Year's day) we'll be serving as part of Missionary Air Group. We fully expect to still be working closely with MMS within our new roles inside MAG.

Apprentice Geoff Linkleter at work in the MMS paint booth

Our house hasn't sold yet, though we have had two viewings recently. The winter months in the Midwest aren't necessarily hotbeds of house sales, but we have received positive feedback from both walk throughs. We're just waiting to see how God arranges all the details.

At MMS, I'm working on preparing documentation to assist those who'll inherit my responsibilities and Karen is training another staff wife to handle her receipting duties.

Tucker and Tanner continue to be the ornery missionary mutts they've always been. They're nine years old now and like shorter walks instead of longer ones, but still greatly enjoy going off-leash to explore the open meadow up by Coshocton Airport. They're scheduled for a hair-cut next week. I'm scheduled for a haircut next week, too...but with a different "groomer."

Tanner says, "It's starting to feel a lot like Christmas!"

We're heading to PA Friday to spend time with supporters, family, friends, and visit our sending church in Lancaster where we'll touch base, answer questions, and share about our move to MAG. 

We're also visiting different local churches in the Coshocton/Zanesville/Newark areas to broaden our relationship base and, Lord willing, open some doors for future financial support opportunities.

Thanks for your prayers as we enter this time of transition! May the Lord richly bless you as we enter this special season set aside to recognize and celebrate the Greatest Gift of All!

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