Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Land Between at -3 Degrees

God is teaching us how to live in "The Land Between."

We've left our roles with MMS but can't yet fully assume our roles with MAG. We're packing, but we have no place to go. Our house is for sale but no one's coming to look. We've "left" but we're still here. Please don't take this as a direct analogy, but process-wise Karen and I sometimes feel as if we're the nation of Israel wandering in the wilderness sometime after Egypt but still far, far away from making it to the Promised Land.

Cleaning and re-painting a corner of the basement wall in preparation for house sale. (Yes, I'm wearing safety glasses and a respirator.)

Sorting through basement stuff and packing as best we can.

In our Coshocton basement realizing they don't have basements in North Carolina. One more box for Goodwill!

Desert. Wilderness. Purgatory? It's an interesting process...one that God's using to reveal things about ourselves and our faith that we need to work through/grow in. It's forcing us closer together as husband and wife while drawing us deeper into God himself. We've been praying for and seeking that for several years so why are we surprised when God answers that prayer? I guess we shouldn't be surprised that that's a prayer He will always answer...we just never expected His answer to look and feel like it does.

I'm spending time in Psalms. Karen's spending time in Exodus. We're both being ministered to by Sarah Young's "Jesus Lives" devotional. Our missionary friends Paul & Kristin Gettle (serving with JAARS) sent us a DVD of a seminar they went through as part of their training that addressed transitions. It was helpful. We'll watch it again. We've discovered we're poster children for transitional symptoms and manifestations and look forward to reading a book recommended in the seminar: "Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes," by William Bridges.

On Another Note
Karen just bought an English to Spanish dictionary for her trip to Honduras. Dwight, MMS President and recent Honduran traveler, is briefing her on what to expect when she arrives at the airport in San Pedro Sula. John, the leader of the International Health Services medical team traveling to Honduras is in communication with Karen orienting her on how the team is going to operate (no pun intended) once they're in-country.

I'm talking by phone and emailing regularly with Sean, MAG's President, as part of the process of learning how to work together in a remote context. I'm still helping up at MMS as needed in something of a simple consultational role related to my former duties/responsibilities.

And it's currently 12 degrees outside (-3 windchill). I know that's warm compared to North Dakota or Minnesota right now, but it's still downright chilly to me and most other Coshoctonians.

Thank you for your faithfulness in praying for us and in paying for us as we serve. Your gifts and prayers are what keep us in ministry across the physical, emotional, and spiritual spectrums. We couldn't do this without you standing beside us. We're able to serve because you continue to "send us" week after week, month after month, year after year.

May God richly bless you for your sacrifices on our behalf and may He graciously "credit your account" as you generously continue to bless ours.

Empire Mine, Grass Valley, CA; August 2012

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