Monday, November 3, 2014

Dad & Jane Visit Graham, NC

Laguna Woods, CA to Graham, NC
Dad and Jane dropped in from California for their annual visit last week. It was nice to take a break and do some touristy things while they were here: eat out, take a nap, sit and watch airplanes, nap, eat some more and then watch birds, take a nap, visit a grist mill, visit the Burlington Royals Stadium, eat out, whale on some Apple Fritters, and did I say...take a nap? Nice. We needed some fun. Yes, at our age naps ARE FUN! Ha. Here are some snapshots of our time together:

Here we are outside "The Old Mill of Guilford" which is a working grist mill dating back to 1767!

One of the mill workers mixes a grain recipe for grinding.

Two other mill workers bag and package finished products.

Dad & Jane in the mill's store.

Some of the scenery near the mill.

Two of the wild birds we watched in our back yard.

Two old birds watching airplanes at Burlington Regional Airport.

One Hot Chick I spent some time watching.

Jane & Karen worked a jigsaw puzzle in the afternoons.

Me and my Dad.


Anonymous said...

It was a great time!!! I gained 4 pounds with all the eating. North Carolina is a greater place with Keith, Karen, Tucker and Tanner there! We are looking forward to next year. Love Dad & Jane

educator said...

Thank you for always keeping us updated. We look forward to your next GV visit and would love to have a meal with you in our home again. You are blessed to have time with your dad. Both my parents were gone too soon - ages 66 & 72. Loved seeing the pic of Tanner and Tucker....they look so much like my Toby. Continued prayer for you and Karen as you seek God's hand in what He has in store for this next chapter of your life! Love from Ted & Cherry

Anonymous said...

I don't see any pictures of the naps=) HA! HA! I love those naps too though they are far and few between. Love the birds!
FCF, Meadow Vista