Friday, September 11, 2015

BONUS BLOG: A Contrast In Cocker Spaniels

Okay, here's one contrast between our two Missionary Mutts:

Tanner likes the Salsa Pepper Patch before the fence is up and the peppers are planted.

That's one happy Cocker Spaniel!

Tucker likes the Salsa Pepper Patch after the fence is up and the peppers are planted.

That's one happy Cocker Spaniel!

(A Missionary Mutt Canine Adventure especially for you, Barbara G!)


Ralph and Brenda said...

Hahahaha! How did she get in with the fence there? ♡

Old Codger said...

Hey Brenda,Tucker has a way of getting anywhere she thinks there might be food...there's a spot where she can squeeze through the wire but Tanner's too large. THAT's why the tomatoes are in the side garden. If Tucker ever develops a taste for peppers...I'm not sure what we'll do.