Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Heading Into Fall: A Photo Update From K&K

Now that things are back on something like an even keel after the latest Candidate Orientation and September brings a settling of sorts to the community as school begins anew, it's time for a quick photo update on some of the things going on around here.

Here's a new shot of us. Not too bad, considering what the photographer had to work with! 
Thank you, Ken, Debbie, & Allen!

Tucker & Tanner enjoyed Tomato Season 2016.

We've been blessed by bunches of butterflies in our backyard.

We're greatly enjoying our service with Global Outreach Mission. In fact, I just started working with a new couple preparing to join a ministry to the disabled in the Ukraine.

We were able to take a short trip to see our friend, Xavier, catch for the Lexington (KY) Legends, as they took on the Hickory (NC) Crawdads.

And our small group has renewed! We're working through Part 4 (of 5): Responding to Our Call.

Thank you for making our ministry possible through your love, gifts, and prayers. We'll have another newsletter out soon providing a bit more information about what we've been up to on the ministry side of things...and of course, another update from those crazy Missionary Mutts!

1 comment:

Harriet Yeo said...

Loving the pictures, especially the one with the canine tomato gobbler! x