Sunday, July 29, 2018

Tucker's Take on Orientation

Hi Everyone! Tucker here. I don't usually do blogs (I try to stick to newsletter writing). However, Keith and Karen have been so busy with putting on an orientation for the new Global Outreach Mission missionaries up in Ontario I can see they need some assistance. So, I thought I'd give an update on life at home while they are gone.

You see, I DO have my own door to go inside and out but I don't have HANDS!!! That means I have to find someone that has hands so I can eat. After all, that IS the main thing in life, RIGHT!? I used to have the people across the street trained to come feed me but they's hard to keep good help! So, I sent a photo and asked if my friends Scott and Laurie would come take care of me:

Dear Scott & Laurie, Keith and Karen are leaving me again. 
Would you PLEASE come and take care of me?

When Keith and Karen are home I gobble up everything they drop in my dish or anything that falls off of "Food Island" when they are cooking in the kitchen. However, when other folks are coming to care for me I find that being a bit finicky pays big dividends! For instance, if I hesitate to eat my food when Scott and Laurie come they find some tomato juice in the fridge to pour on my food! Woo Hoo! Sometimes they even cut up a fresh tomato right out of the garden and add it to my dish! I sure do love Scott and Laurie. Life is good when the dog owners are long as you find someone with hands who loves you.


So, you may ask what I do besides eat when Keith and Karen are gone. I'm 105 in dog years....


I sleep until it's time to go to the front door to greet Scott and Laurie!

It's hard work guarding the house while Keith and Karen are gone but someone has to do it and I'm the dog on duty! One day soon it will be Keith and Karen coming through that garage door and I will be one happy pup!

Look for more blogs to come. They always come home with great stories from their missionary orientations.
Scott. Laurie. Is it time to eat yet? 


Marilyn said...

Hi Tucker, Good to hear from you. I hope you’ll be sending more blogs. Ms Mattie sends love 🐾🐶

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tucker, thanks for posting. Keep up the good (dog) work, and also the posting. Sometimes your comments are more fun than Keith's, but don't let him know I said so. From Bill McQ

Karen said...

Tucker says, "Hi Ms Mattie!"

Unknown said...

Tucker is one smart dog.