Thursday, January 30, 2020

Back in the Saddle with MMS Aviation

Here's our first official blog on what we're up to since our return to service with MMS Aviation!

Sunrise behind our hangar facility in Coshocton, OH.

I'm currently coaching two families in partnership development: the Wagners (70% supported) and the Cleators (10% supported). Two other families I'd previously coached have reached full support and have moved/will soon move to Coshocton to begin ministry.

I'm overseeing the application process of a family from Virginia, a young man from Ohio, and a young lady from Texas. I'm also focused on candidate development with people from Pennsylvania and North Carolina, and have established primary mobilization relationships with twenty other families/individuals at various stages of exploring possible service with MMS. Two MMS staff families are also using us for partnership training and coaching.

Using technology to train and coach missionaries around the US and the world from our little office in downtown Graham, NC.

Karen stays busy developing spreadsheets for me, taking care of initial data and contact organization, picks up all my loose ends, is training the personnel we coach in the use specialized donor management software, and is working with MMS leadership to explore options for the mission's next integrated financial software package. Not only that, she's Mom's primary means of transportation and acts as her medical advocate. She also assists our neighbor with walking her dog, infant twins, and three year old.

Karen and friends out for a walk in our neighborhood.

In the hangar, our mechanics and apprentices are maintaining, modifying, and repairing seven different missionary aircraft for six different ministries.  We'll travel up to MMS next week for three days of meetings.

Missionary aircraft in Hangar C

Thanks for walking with us through your friendship, encouragement, love, prayers and financial partnership. 

To be part of our lives and this ministry, Click Here!

Mom, Karen, Lynette (my sister), and me.


Nancy Steckel said...

It is great seeing how the Lord is blessing you in this new venture and how he is using you to be a blessing to others. We continue to pray for your ministry.

Old Codger said...

Thanks, Nancy! You should have received, or will soon receive, a packet of our new prayer cards!

Anonymous said...

Keith & Karen,
The Turleys miss you guys. I know God has a very special plan for using your gifts to help missionaries around the world. Let us know if you ever come up I81 through WV.
Hugs, Tom, Diana, and Charity

Old Codger said...

Hey you guys! Thanks for the kind words. Believe it or not, we drive 81 when we head to PA. Lord willing we'll be able to connect with you one of those trips!