Thursday, April 2, 2020

Karen on "Living the Corona Life..."

 Me "facilitating" a conversation between Keith's Mom and the on line banking help line.

Keith's Mom is tucked away in her apartment being very well cared for and protected by the staff at Brookwood. We are so blessed to know she is in a good place and close by even if we can't visit right now. Yesterday she needed a bill paid so I went on the handy-dandy on line banking that I had previously set up for just such a time as this. So glad we set this up! This will be a piece of cake! Oops! The account I want to pay her bill from hasn't been activated for on line bill pay. A quick call to the bank provided another opportunity for a "quick call" to the help line for on line banking.....well, maybe not so quick. Turns out they needed her expressed permission to make any changes even if my name is on the account. The young lady was so helpful, patient and kind! When I explained that Mom W was locked in at her home and we were locked away here at our home she came up with very creative ways to help us get this little problem solved. Kudos! I did have to laugh however as I held up two phones so the helpful young lady could talk with Mom W! Corona Creativity! Bill paid!

A bear for the bear hunt!

Last Saturday our neighborhood had a bear hunt for the kiddos. What a great idea! I wanted to help the kids have a good time so I dug into my sewing stash and found some fuzzy-wuzzy-fabric that was just asking to be a bear! He fit perfectly on our garden flag post. Keith got in on the fun and put stuffed critters in the tree, on the roof and above the garage door! We had as much fun watching out the windows as the families who drove or walked around searching for bears!

Keith & I model fabric masks.

When I heard that fabric face masks were becoming a needed item I pulled out some more fabric and what elastic I had and revved up the sewing machine. There were several medical workers in our neighborhood who were glad to receive them. We kept a couple for ourselves for food hunting excursions or other such necessities.

As I hear from our many missionary friends in so many places all around the world I have been filled with thoughts of how blessed we are. I know this is hard for everyone. It is a strange and new feeling knowing that we can't just run out for a simple errand or worship as a congregation. I am surprisingly affected by that even though I often am at home anyway! However, it is a huge blessing to be "stuck" in such pleasant places: a home with a roof over my head, cool when it's hot, warm when it's cold, dry when it's raining; running water; all of the basic supplies we need (plus much more!); electricity; phone service; technology to communicate, work and connect outside of our solitude; a yard to enjoy; things to be entertained by. Not to mention a loving husband to walk this "shelter-in-place" with! The list goes on and on. It's good for me to remember what I often take for granted.

Mr. Blue heading into his nesting box.

Watching the birds nesting and the spring blooms coming and going and the trees and grasses getting beautiful and green it reminds me that many things around me continue to be predictable and life is going forth as usual in many ways. Keith caught this shot of "our" Blue Bird heading into the nesting box out back preparing for a new family. So normal! Ahhhh. Smile.

In my devotions this week I was reminded how we panic when we feel like things are out of control. Who hasn't felt that panic at least at some point in this pandemic environment that is so disrupting our lives? This really IS pretty much out of my control. However, it is NOT out of God's control and I can rest in that. I trust. No matter whether my personal circumstances seem "good" to me or "bad", I know God is using all this in big ways and small for good. He is trustworthy. He has proven that to me many times in my life.

In the midst of this time I pray you are able to let God fill your heart with trust in Him and give you eyes that will take notice of His blessings in the midst of (and even in spite of) your circumstances!


PVG said...

At the hospital we have received homemade masks from the community that have a pocket for inserting a folded coffee filter. Great idea!

Unknown said...

Love you guys! Your bear is adorable. So glad that Keith's mom is no longer in CA and is so close by and well cared for! We are settled in Arizona for the next several months. We are in our present RV park until May 1. Then we are heading up to Williams AZ where it will be cooler for the summer months. All of our travel plans have been changed/postponed etc, but God is good and faithful always. We are both well and trusting our Creator who has all of this in his hands. The desert is beginning to bloom here which we have never seen. We are praying for both girls and families, as both are in virus hotspots - Dallas TX and PA. Just trusting everyday in new and more earnest ways. God bless!

SMC said...

Thanks Karen for the encouraging words. I love that you are always using your sewing skills to help and bless others! I miss being able to worship with you both at church.

Karen said...

I've heard that the blue shop towels are good filters too. Hope you are staying safe out there!

Karen said...

Love you guys too! Glad you are tucked in for the time being. Praying for so many in the thick of this!

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing. We too are grateful for the many blessings in our lives. Love the great action shot of the bluebird. Glad your mom is doing well and close to you. Keep looking up☝Cary from CA

educator said...

Love you guys so much! What a time we are experiencing! I love and trust in our Lord, but must admit, still have some anxious, weepy days. Life can sure change in an instant, can't it? So happy that your mom is close and well cared for and love, love, love the bear hunt! What fun!

Blessings & prayer,
Cherry & Ted

Unknown said...

Thank you for your blog. It is so sweet, encouraging and brings joy to my heart. I am glad you both are doing well.

Aunt Naomi Young said...