Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Paw Spa Reviews on Page 2!

 Here's our latest newsletter for your reading pleasure!

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SteveBelch said...

Hi, If you are like me, the driving part is enjoyable. Am so pleased that you are active in the kingdom. God bless you much. Steve

Old Codger said...

Thanks, Steve! I do enjoy the drive. You're a large reason we're out here. Peace my friend. So glad God joined our lives and our journeys together.

Anonymous said...

Love the doggie spa reviews. Sounds like a doggie paradise! Exciting to see new families going through the process of becoming part of MMS! May you and Karen have a blessed Christmas season! Love, The Huntsingers

Old Codger said...

Thanks Dave and Jean! Glad you enjoyed the reviews! Penny stayed with us again over Thanksgiving. Yes, we have a pipeline full of great candidates right now. Thanks for being part of it through your ongoing friendship, encouragement, love and prayers. Blessings back at you!