Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Projects and Rapid Response Trips

With the GCI King Air back in the air and the LeTourneau University missions team back in Texas, the normal maintenance routine is settling back over the hangar: drill a rivet, drive a rivet; measure aluminum, cut aluminum; remove a cover plate, inspect behind the cover plate. It may not always be exciting but, at one level or another, it's always rewarding to contribute to the expansion of God's kingdom

Projects Underway
GCI's Cessna 172 is new in Hangar A for several squawks to be checked out, work continues on the avionics installation in the Moody 182, Williams dropped by in GCI's 310 for a short visit, and two Rapid Response trips are in the works.

Ian oversees, Bat-Enkh, Gertjan, and Paul as they work on the avionics installation of the Moody 172.

Josh tests the vacuum system on the GCI 172.

The GCI 310 departs our facility.

Rapid Response Trips
Tim is currently organizing two Rapid Response trips requested by ministries in Florida and Zambia.

One of our mechanics will head to Wauchula, Florida this weekend and spend two weeks helping Harvest Aviation finish a couple projects before they move into their new hangar facility.

Another mechanic is scheduled to depart for Zambia, Africa next month to spend about five weeks helping CMML modify their newly purchased Cessna 182 for mission service.

Thanks for being part of our ministry through your time, your gifts, and your prayers. It's through your partnership that we're able to expand God's Kingdom one rivet at a time.

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