Karen and I had the fun task of meeting with David and Amy Mozombite today. David recently completed apprenticeship with MMS, is preparing to take his FAA exams for his mechanic's certificate, and is in application to serve in Bolivia with South America Mission (SAM).

vid and Amy also just returned from Ethiopia completing the adoption of Asher, an orphaned two year old. If you'd like to see a great video slideshow of Asher on David & Amy's blog, click
here. You'll enjoy it. Asher was part of the meeting today as well and he was so much fun. As we talked about the Mozombite's transitional plans toward service with SAM, Asher just made himself at home in the conference room, played with toys, laughed and loved on his new parents. The adoption was a two year process which meant that they were starting to pray for a son about the time Asher was conceived in Africa. Seeing them together confirms God's hand in this wonderful situation.
Our meeting with David, Amy, and Asher was a very pleasant break from the week long preparations I've been making for the candidate evaluation we're conducting next week. This will be our second candidate eval this year with our third eval already scheduled for June. Applications with another candidate couple are in the works.
Most of my energy today went into updating the orientation material for the eval. Lord willing, I'll be able to finish the updating tomorrow, assemble the orientation handbooks, pick up the raw materials to make new display boards, and tie up the final loose ends.
Tonight, Karen's at MMS Ladies' Prayer. Me? I'm here with the dogs getting ready to watch the first episode of the new season of Deadliest Catch.
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