Friday, April 3, 2009

PODCAST! PODCAST! Hear All About It in the MMS Podcast!

If you've never listened to a "podcast" before, now is your opportunity! Yesterday afternoon, I had the pleasure of having Sandy Toomer conduct a phone interview with me. Sandy is a former MAF pilot/mechanic now doing website design and website management on behalf of the International Association of Missionary Aviation (IAMA). Sandy gave me a call and we chatted for a few minutes about MMS and mission aviation. The result of the interview is now a podcast posted on the IAMA website. You can access and listen to the podcast by clicking HERE.

I hope you enjoy the podcast. Lord willing, I'll have other opportunities to do podcasts about MMS for the IAMA website in the future.


As my podcasting "career" was launching, there were still plenty of other things to be doing in the HR Department. With MMS' April GroundCrew newsletter to write, preparing for candidate evaluations this month and in June, with three families raising support to start apprenticeship and one staff family working to increase their support, opening application with a couple from California yesterday, and having an interested family coming in from Michigan on Monday for a site visit and to talk about possible service, I've been staying rather close to my desk.

I've also had to write several new "cover letters" for different aspects of the application/evaluation process to reflect changes in the procedure. Karen's a great help to me in this area as an editor. She always gives me good counsel on content and tone. She helped me with letters yesterday and today.

Me and Karen in my office after discussing one of the letter drafts.

I also met with Dale today to discuss their support development efforts. Dale and Deborah have been with MMS for over 15 years and are working to strengthen their support team. Dale is one of our team leaders. Dale and Deborah are originally from Zimbabwe, Africa. Part of my responsibility is to provide assistance and oversight to all our families in the area of financial support. Dale and Deborah are such important parts of the MMS ministry. It's a privilege to be able to work with them as they develop and nurture ministry relationships.

Here I am with Dale discussing support development.

And thank YOU, for making Karen's and my ministry possible through your gifts and prayers. You are literally reaching around the world and enabling Jesus Christ to change lives for enternity. May God's richest blessings be upon you and may we all give Him the glory for it!

1 comment:

Lynette said...

The podcast was great - nice introduction to MMS. Let's see, blogging, podcasting....what's next??