Karen and I totally took Saturday off. We built a fire, laid on the couches, read books, napped under fleece blankets, let the dogs climb on top...it was wonderful. I only went outside to grab more wood. Yesterday (Monday) we started a week of vacation. We ran errands, accomplished some minor household chores, handled some ministry, and took a few minutes to snap some pictures of some more fall colors.
What's special about this week vacation is that my dad and my step-mom are in for a visit. It's been three years since dad and Jane have been here. We're actually heading out on our first day of tourist activity in another hour or so.
So, here are the latest snapshot of some local fall color. These were taken in a cemetery that Karen likes to ride her bike to when she needs a special place to sit and relax, to think and to pray.

And along with that, we also stumbled across one of the top-secret ICBT (Inter-Continental Ballistic Truck) sites readying for a launch!

We'll see what else we can discover on today's journey north into Amish country and beyond...
The fall foliage pictures are striking! Um....the truck one caught me off guard. What in the world is that?
Hope you have a totally wonderful day! It is soooo beautiful out there. What a blessing to have this weather just in time for your vacation! God knew just what prescription you guys needed. Blessings to you all! Shirley
Thanks, Shirley. It IS a blessing to have such perfect weather right now. Yes, the fall colors are amazing this year. We're headed back up into Holmes County tomorrow. The ICBT "launcher" has to do with the paper mill...
Thanks for sharing the fall colors with us. The trees are turning here in Nevada County too. Yours are spectacular! Someday Ken & I want to go to the east coast and see the fall colors out there. Until then I will enjoy your photos!
Carol, thanks for your comment. I'm glad you're enjoing the photos! The colors are especially vibrant this year. You're always welcome to stop in to see MMS and the trees!
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