Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fall Activities and Surprise Guests!

Fall Activities
It's cold, damp, cloudy and windy so it must be County Fair time! Coshocton has the last county fair in Ohio...out of 88 counties...we're last in the schedule. Consequently it's usually jackets, wool caps, and cocoa which isn't necessarily what one thinks of for a fair, but that's the way it is.

Depending on which way the wind blows, we live close enough to the fair grounds to listen to the tractor pulls, hear the screams from the rides, listen to the calling of the horse races, and sit on our deck to watch the fireworks. Oh yeah, and we can smell all the great fair food cooking...

So with those sounds and smells in the background Karen and I started our own fall activities by moving wood from our backyard woodpile and garage woodpile onto our new front porch wood rack. The wood rack was an early Christmas present (thanks, Mom!) which we're putting to use. There's a right way and a wrong way to stack wood and after 7 years of practice Karen's finally catching on.

Karen and our first wood stack of the season. Nice wood rack, isn't it?

I also mowed the yard, pulled the water hoses and stored them for winter, purchased kerosene for our little space heater, and straightened up a few things in the garage while Karen baked gingersnap cookies and a coffee cake with cherry pie filling. Try a big slab of that with a mug of Caroline's Coffee before church...oh yeah...

Surprise Guests
We received a phone call a couple hours ago from friends of ours from Calvary Bible Church in Grass Valley, California, which is my home church. Bill & Adele called from outside of Dayton and wondered if they could stop by. Of course! They're on the road in their camper and heading east. How fun is that?

They should arrive sometime around 7 PM this evening, will spend the night, and attend church with us tomorrow. Sometime in there we'll tour MMS. It'll be fun to show them the mission and to have them in church tomorrow as I'm drumming, Karen's singing, and then we're both singing as part of a "special" we're doing during offering. I'm sure we'll have pictures to post later.

Have a great weekend and stay tuned...

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