Yep, we survived another home improvement project. This one was small scale compared to others but still necessitated several trips to the hardware store and a request for assistance to our local home-improvement project problem-solver and all around nice guy, Tim Obarow.
When Dad and Jane were here on vacation last month we toured Keim Lumber. During our walk-through of Keim, Karen noticed a plastic utility sink on sale. We'd discussed the benefits of having a utility sink in the basement several times over our seven years of marriage but the timing hadn't been right. Suddenly, the time was right.
We ran back out to Keim the next weekend, picked up a sink kit at "floor display" prices and brought it home. This past weekend we purposed to put it in and were doing fine until we needed to remove the old spigots from the galvanized pipe for replacement with new ones. We tried some alternative methods of working with the pipes to no avail with a growing fear we would soon create a real plumbing problem if we continued down the path we were on.
A quick visit across the street and I found Tim in their garage working on their car. I explained our dire straights and Tim was kind enough to come over with two pipe wrenches. Hmmm, PIPE WRENCHES. What a concept. They proved to be quite the tool in Tim's hand and the hard work was done in a manner of seconds after we'd already invested a good amount of time not getting the job done with the wrong tools.
Karen didn't waste any time putting the sink to work. It's now the #1 dog washing station. Bending over the tub and wrestling with reluctant and resistant Cocker Spaniels takes its toll on middle-aged knees, backs, necks and arms. The sink is a grand improvement. Both Tucker and Tanner were comfortable and relaxed in the utility sink and it's a comfortable height for standing and working. Ah, the simple things that make missionaries and missionary mutts happy!
Karen washes Tucker in our new, basement utility sink.We praise the Lord for another practical addition to His house provided in His time, in His way, and at a good-stewardship price.