Thanks for being patient with our posts. Let's see if we can bring you up to speed--Karen and I enjoyed a wonderful weekend during which we took on another home improvement project (I'll post about that tomorrow), prepared and taught another Sunday School lesson with the young adults, nailed the music set on worship team, and I even made it out in the 75 degree weather Sunday afternoon for nine holes of golf ($10 with cart) at our local course shooting a 51. Considering that includes two 7's and an 8...I didn't do too badly on the other six holes. Karen rode her bike to the park and walked with a friend. It was very, very nice.
At MMS we just completed the annual pocket calendar mailing. Everyone who donates to MMS over the course of the year is sent a nifty pocket calendar for the upcoming year as a tangible thank you. Writing the accompanying cover letter is one of my annual responsibilities.
Karen photocopies and folds the letter, runs the mailing labels, and organizes the mailing. Once the mailing is organized, a couple other MMS wives come in to do the labeling and envelope stuffing. Then Karen seals and posts each letter on the handy-dandy MMS postal meter.

Another MMS wife, Kristin, helped with labeling and stuffing the envelopes but she helped from home so wasn't in the photo. Thanks ladies for being such servants!
Once all the envelopes were all stuffed, sealed, posted, and placed in postal trays, we drove them down to the post office loading dock for mailing. For those of you who have graciously donated to our ministry over the past year, THANK YOU... and be watching for your 2010 pocket calendar!
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