Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tucker & Tanner Take Pictures of our Guests

Global Co-Workers Stop In For A Visit
We were blessed to have Tom & Diana Turley, Member Care Coordinators for our mission, stop in for a two night visit. They began a deputation trip several weeks ago and are in the process of returning to Buffalo, NY by way of Orlando, Florida; Graham, NC; and Louisville, KY.  The Turleys served 25 years as missionaries in Brazil before returning to the US to provide love and care for our 200 missionary families serving around the world. Their role is critical to the future of Global Outreach Mission (and to good stewardship of Kingdom resources), as they use their lives and faith to keep our missionaries spiritually healthy, inspired, and serving on the field.

Tom & Diana enjoyed a tour of Graham, a work day in the office (GOMEX), lunch at Graham Soda Shop, apple fritters from Daily Donuts, and fellowship and prayer in our home before heading west before heading north. We'll see them later this month as we head to Buffalo, NY/St. Catherines, Ontario to work with them and the other members of our HR Team conducting February's Candidate Orientation, Feb. 28-March 5.

While they visited, Tucker and Tanner asked to use the camera. Here are Tucker and Tanner's pictures of the the Turleys.

Diana & Tom: Photo by Tucker

Diana & Tom: Photo by Tanner

Just for the heck of it, we thought we'd toss in a couple of our own shots.

Global's Director of Partnership Development (me/left) and
Missionary Care Coordinator (Tom/right) in our Graham, NC office.

Tom, Diana, Karen, & me in front of our map 
showing countries in which Global missionaries serve.

Regardless of who is using the camera, or where the pictures are taken, we hope you understand that we've never been part of a more exciting opportunity than the one God's provided for us with Global Outreach Mission.

Thanks for being part of this Kingdom Adventure!

1 comment:

Ralph and Brenda said...

Glad for your encouraging visit! It's good to see Tucker and Tanner taking an active role in the ministry!