Monday, March 7, 2016

On The Road: Week 3

Global Outreach Mission Candidate Orientation
Our third week on the road was spent in one location: Pearable Ministries, in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada.

What a week! Snow, ice, sun, wind, three home-cooked meals a day, missionaries everywhere, border crossings, ministry, training, more eating, laughter, laughter, laughter everywhere, prayer, songs, counsel, seminars, games, fellowship, office tours, worship, pampering, encouraging, video, PowerPoint, snacks, Niagara Falls at night, coffee, power outages, tea, ministry reports, late nights, little sleep, early mornings, and Kingdom expansion. What a week of blessings, relationships, and sharing from the heart. What a sweet time of togetherness in Christ as YOU enabled us to prepare HIS servants for HIS service in Japan, Philippines, Honduras, North America, and Haiti. 

Here's a little photo album of the week! Enjoy!

Global Outreach Mission's Winter 2016 Candidate Orientation Class featuring missionaries heading to: Haiti, Japan, Honduras, North America, and Philippines.

Introducing my series of training seminars

Canadian weather

Karen & Diana prepare welcome baskets

 Breakfast with our new missionaries to the Philippines

 Leading devotions Thursday morning

On my way to winning the GOM Winter 2016 International Championship of Pass-The-Pigs

Karen shares during the ladies' session.

Thank You!

4 comments: said...

So glad to be part of your team!

Anonymous said...

Fun photos, guys! Thank you for sharing. Sounds like life is good.
Bill McQuerry

Just Sren said...

Yes, it feels like we are part of your team and tht you are having a WONDERFUL time!

Unknown said...

Just so you know- we are warming it up down here so that you can thaw out! (Though it is quite beautiful where you are!)