Thursday, December 5, 2019

BIG NEWS: Back to the Future with MMS Aviation!

Faithful blog-followers, get ready for some BIG NEWS...we've returned to service with MMS Aviation! Here's our latest newsletter and a letter from MMS with all the details!

How's that for some news in a newsletter! Please note the new donation portals on the blog and if you'd like to test technology CLICK HERE to go directly to our MMS Aviation donation page!

Thank you for being part of our team and our ministry family!


Darrell & Pam said...

Great update, Keith & Karen!
It is exciting to see how God has been leading you step by step in your walk of faith. It appears God has prepared you well for this move to MMS & we know He will use you for His honor & glory!
Darrell & Pam

Old Codger said...

Thanks, Darrell & Pam, it's been quite a journey and you've been with us each wild and crazy step over the past 20 years. Thanks for your love, friendship, faithfulness, and support!

Steve said...

What an adventure, Keith and Karen! Praying for you guys. Come on over to Gabon for a visit! Love, Steve and Alace

Old Codger said...

Thanks, Steve. An adventure INDEED! Thanks for being part of the adventure that it is. It's great to see you back in Gabon! You know we'll drop in the next time we're in Gabon!

SoCal Ma said...

What a journey! Ups, downs, and inbetweens. With God as the "tour guide" it always promises to be a great adventure.

Old Codger said...

That's so tru, SoCal Ma! And to think this journey goes back to lazy days on Drummer Way, hot rods, pond debris, ice cream, and Cocker Spaniels. We love and miss you so much!

PVG said...

Wow! Hang on and enjoy the ride.....! Glad you are not moving back, much better birds here 🕊
Happy New Year Blessings🎉