We're in somewhat of a tropical weather cycle again. Warm temperatures, high humidity, afternoon-evening thundershowers on nearly a daily basis...it must be summer in Ohio though this is more typical August weather than June. But oh boy is this perfect corn growing weather!
The local crop is already hip to shoulder high, healthy looking, strong and eating up the sun and drinking up all the rain it can get. With the collapse of the false ethanol economy, coupled with a large crop yield this year, I'm expecting this year's corn prices should be substantially lower than last year's (this agricultural analysis is from a city boy so don't buy your corn futures yet...). It'd probably help if I listened to the crop report from Coshocton Grain as part of the pre-7:00 morning news on WTNS radio, Coshocton, 99.3 FM.
Speaking of

That's right, at your convenience, any time of the day, you can put your finger on the pulse of Coshocton...you can catch up on all the news (to include police reports, arrest reports, farm reports, trading post, open line talk shows, roving reporters) and music right from Coshocton into you very computer through the magic of the internet.
Radio news & action be a bit slower over the summer because there's no high school sports to cover but anytime you're homesick for (or curious about) life in the heartland...click the hot link above and the bookmark the link for your convenience. Stop by...but don't expect any country music...as I write this they're playing rap song after rap song. The farm report is better.
Didn't ride my bike to the mission this morning because of the rain. Lord willing, I'll be able to ride tomorrow!
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