Friday, February 15, 2013

Karen's Honduran Trip Begins

Our day began early with the alarm set for 1:45 AM. I won't say "1:45 in the morning" because there is no "morning" at 1:45. And actually, getting up at 1:45 AM may better be referred to as getting a late I didn't sleep even though we went to bed at 8:30. Karen slept. I just laid there, tried to relax, and listened to her sleep for three hours before getting up to read until 1:45.

Port Columbus International Airport, Columbus, OH

Regardless, we made it out of the house, into the car, and began our hour and twenty minute drive to Port Columbus International Airport around 2:30 arriving at the Delta ticket counter at 4:00. Unfortunately for us and the rest of the Atlanta-bound and bagged crowd...Delta doesn't wake up until 4:32. United Airlines and US Air get up earlier than Delta.

Once Delta got out of bed, loaded the baggage tapes in each of the kiosks, and turned the magic keys bringing each of the kiosks up to full speed...baggage strips were spitting out all down the line like pasta in a noodle factory. Karen's bag was tagged in no time and she whipped through security like a professional traveler (even with the aircraft audio panel in her back pack).

Before I knew it she was on the other side of the TSA security enclosure, giving me a thumbs up, blowing me a kiss, and hiking to her departure gate. And just like beautiful bride, my Honey Bunch, my Sweet Baboo...began her two week adventure into the La Moskitia region of Honduras,  to observe and assist with International Health Services' medical/dental clinic at MAG's jungle hospital.

Rus Rus' location is pinpointed by the red "A" just above the Nicaraguan border in Eastern Honduras. (Thanks Google Maps!)

Please pray for Karen as she learns the life and culture of the village, ministers to the people, and re-enters the medical profession through hands-on indoctrination into the realities of "third world medicine".

And, if you think about it, you might say a prayer for me and the dogs...fending for the Midwestern winter...working for MAG and waiting for God to sell our house (preparing as best we can for God's Green Light To MOVE to a warmer place!).


Don said...

At least Keith it looks like the sun was shining on the BBQ but that was not 0145 hrs.

Old Codger said...

Hey Don,

You're right...I typically don't BBQ at 0145 hrs.

Thanks for checking in.