The fair kicked off Friday with the tractor pull, followed by the rodeo, Saturday, concerts Sunday and Monday, demolition derby on Wednesday, and Rough Truck contest on Thursday. Zowie.
Horses, ponies, beef cows, dairy cows, bulls, goats, pigs, sheep, rams, llamas, chickens, roosters, turkeys, ducks, name it, if it has two legs or four legs, whether it walks or flies, the kids around here grow em and show em. Of course there are competitions for every type of vegetable and grain and flower and fruit as well. It's kind of fun to live in a farming community. You know, where 4-H and the Future Farmers of America are the biggest "gangs" around.
The fair is underway right now. Karen and I walked over to the fair grounds this evening and checked out all the exhibits and livestock. It was fun to see that several kids from MMS won ribbons with their animals. We drank fresh lemonade, ate a "Buck-Tater" from Gary's Southern Style BBQ Wagon (a baked potato loaded with butter and sour cream smothered under pulled-pork or smoked beef brisket). Totally good. Karen had her traditional Carmel Apple and I finished out the evening with a corn dog and a soft-serve cone. After livestock...the fair is all about food.

Oh how we miss the fair! It really is the greatest I've been to! This year we're reading Charlotte's Web to the kids, & I wanted to take them to a fair. I couldn't find one last year. This year, I found a good on but it is about 1.5 hours away. With gas shortage around here, I don't think we'll get to go. boo hoo! The local county fair doesn't even have livestock or agriculture! Maybe next fall we'll plan a trip back up to Coshocton just for the fair... and to vist folks, too, of course! =0)
Hello Dano & Melinda,
It'd be great to have you back in town for the fair next year! If we know you're coming we'll set aside an elephant ear or two, or maybe a bloomin' onion, or a Stromboli, or a deep fried Twinkee...
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