Tuesday, September 30, 2008

King Air 200, Honduran 206, & HR

King Air
The King Air phase inspection for Gospel Carrier International continues. The guys are making good headway on the project. Most of the inspection has been completed and modification of the air-conditioning system is underway. It won't be long before the seats and interior go back in, inspection covers and access panels are screwed in place, and the cowl sections are secured
around the engines.

There are four other mechanics working on the King Air while Dale and Ian organize parts and documentation at the table.

Gertjan safety-wires an engine component.

Honduran 206

Praise the Lord progress continues with the Honduran 206. While Josh and Chuck continued their work on the wings, Mike and Bob worked together to "swage" new control cables for the airplane.
Mike and Bob

Human Resources

I was working on all kinds of things today besides the daily phone and email routine: preparing my end-of-month report for the board & staff, compiling the breakdown of hours worked in the hangar over September, preparing for the SMT meeting on Thursday, working with some photographs, communicating with approved candidates, pulling the MMS Weekly Update together, and preparing to lead this Thursday's group discussion on discovering and defining the MMS vision which entails research, document creation, photocopying, and the hardest of all...thinking.

With all that going on, 4:00 PM rolled around rather fast today. I know the administrative side of ministry isn't typically what first comes to mind when thinking about reaching the lost in remote locations but let me assure you, my pounding on a keyboard here in Coshocton, Ohio does result in strategic impact around the world through our ministry with MMS Aviation.
Thanks for being a part of it through your gifts and prayers.

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