Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May Flowers and 2009's Salsa Is In The Ground

I mentioned our roses in yesterday's post and said I'd try to get a snapshot up today. When we left on our week's vacation, we didn't have one bloom on any of our three rose bushes. When I returned home on Monday they were loaded flowers. Today I was able to borrow a digital camera (Karen has ours with her down in Georgia) and actually found a moment of filtered sunlight between all the convective activity (thick, dark clouds; hot humid air) to snap a shot of our flower garden and rose trellis. Their collective aroma on our front porch is amazing...

Our side flower garden with rose trellis.
(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)

2009 Salsa
Just before we left on vacation, Karen planted our 2009 Salsa Garden! We expanded its size this year to add onions, additional pepper plants, and give everything a bit more room to grow. it's just a matter of keeping the neighborhood bunnies from eating everything for breakfast! It's not easy being a salsa farmer...

Looking east: The enlarged main garden of tomato and jalapeno pepper plants.

Looking west: The expanded garden featuring bell and banana pepper plants and onions.

Oh boy, do we enjoy salsa...

1 comment:

josh, julia, ethan, and amaya fisher said...

The roses are beautiful!! Your garden looks so nice too. I can't wait until I can have a garden of my own someday!