Saturday, May 30, 2009

Weekend Catch-Up and TV Interview

The weekend is here and June starts on Monday. With the speed that this year is passing, Christmas will probably be next week. Unreal. The days are so full and so fast that it makes my head spin.

At MMS, I'm still trying to catch up from being away for a week. Between what stacked up during our absence, what cropped up after I returned, and the projects and tasks already on my desk...I currently have too much job security. Ha.

I'm not complaining, far from it. I'm blessed and am just amazed at all the different ways that God is at work in MMS and through MMS: four different missionary airplanes are being maintained, modified, and/or repaired; we're developing a new format the apprenticeship program; we're looking at ways to modify our operational program to better meet the needs of the missions we serve; and as a group we're spending dedicated time each month to learn how to communicate and understand each other better (which everyone agrees is harder and more emotional than just working on airplanes!).

Specifically related to HR: three apprentices are in transition to field ministries, I'm supervising four families raising support to begin service, I'll oversee a candidate evaluation next month, and it looks like I'll soon schedule an additional candidate eval for the fall. I'm also in contact with several possible staff candidates, several pre-candidates interested in volunteering, regular volunteers, and twenty people interested in learning more about MMS.

For several months I've worked on creating a new brochure for MMS. Well, I picked the brochures up from the print shop last week and they look great! THANK YOU, TAMMY for all your hard work and dedication in helping make the brochure such a professional piece. Tammy is Karen's cousin. She is also a top-notch professional graphic designer who graciously donates her time, energy, and skills as a ministry to MMS. She's the reason the GroundCrew looks so good and why our brochures look so nice.

Tammy and I are currently working together to create a new display that MMS can use to promote its ministry at churches, conferences, air shows, and other venues.

Being interviewed by WHIZ TV, Zanesville

Oh, and I was interviewed by a regional TV station last week. WHIZ TV from Zanesville sent a crew to MMS to do a short feature for their evening news programs. The feature ran about two minutes on the 6 PM news, 1 minute on the 11 PM news, and by the time they posted it on their website, all that was left was a thirty second clip of me talking.

If you'd like to read the written copy of the article, click here.

If you'd like to watch me talk for thirty here.

Karen's Still On Vacation
By the way, Karen's still on vacation! She extended a week to spend a week in Georgia with her sister and niece. I'm much better at being a husband than I am at housewife. Tucker, Tanner, and I look forward to Karen coming home next Wednesday.

Thanks for visiting our blog! We greatly enjoy hearing from you and are thankful for your gifts and prayers which enable us to serve.

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