Thursday, April 8, 2010

Interview and Review

Six Month Interview
Part of Karen's and my regular role at MMS is to interview our apprentices and their spouses every six months to see how they're doing in the apprenticeship, in the community, and as a family. We also seek their input as to what MMS is doing well, where & how they think MMS could improve, and talk about effective techniques for coping with the realities of mission service. We use this as a time of providing encouragement, counsel, validation and affirmation.

Today Karen and I met with Paul. Paul's been an apprentice for 18 months and is entering his last year of service before testing for his mechanic certificate and heading out to a new mission. Paul is a pilot and will ultimately serve missions as a pilot/mechanic.

After spending the morning preparing for the meeting, Karen and I met with Paul for an hour and a half before lunch, broke for lunch, and then Paul and I met after lunch for another forty-five minutes or so before finishing up the "interview" portion of our time together. Karen needed to complete some other HR projects on the computer for a departmental report I'm compiling and excused herself to go do so right after lunch.

Karen, Paul, and Keith

Performance Review
After we completed the interview, Paul and I rolled into his 18 month performance review and pretty much finished the day off. It was a good day and yet a full day, to be sure. In the next couple weeks I'll start working with Paul to provide guidance and counsel as he prepares to select the mission with whom he'll serve next.

Paul's doing a great job at MMS, is growing as a mechanic, and growing as a man of God. Does it get any better than that?

It is such a blessing to be able to pour our lives into young missionaries like Paul and have a God-given role in preparing them for a lifetime of service on the mission field. Thanks for being a part of this blessing through your faithful prayers and gifts.

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