Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spring Yard Work

Like everyone in a winterized area, spring yard work is a real joy and something we all look forward to. It's like a ritual of new life and new hope. This weekend has really been THE spring weekend to start work after a whole string of perfect weather days. People are getting their mowers out and mowing for the first time (I actually mowed Thursday evening), mulch is being sold at every store and gas station, and we all get reacquainted with our neighbors.

I started with getting the rose bed in order. I'd trimmed the rose bushes back and cleaned them up a couple weeks ago, but more work was needed to get them ready for this season--old mulch out, edging in, fertilizer down, etc.

Working on the rose bed

Completed rose bed

Karen has had an ongoing vision for a mini-pond in our front flower bed. She felt it would be so nice to sit on our front porch and hear water running. She found a small pond liner on clearance and that was that! While I worked on the roses, Karen spent the day developing her pond concept.

Karen and her pond.

Today we're focused on the back yard: preparing and re-seeding the bare spots in the dog's yard, reducing the size of the dog yard, and running down a new tarp for our woodpile.

Lord willing, we'll be able to get it all done before the predicted rain starts!

Have a great Easter!


Anonymous said...

I think water features are great. Sometimes listening to the water running may make you run to the bathroom. Yard looks great! We are having our lawn torn out today and we will have new grass by next Saturday. Hope to call you today. Love Dad

Karen said...

The water sounds nice while we are sitting on the front porch. The rocks are from a stream near my Grandma and Grandpap Shrom's house. We used to play in it when we were kids.Nice memories to have. :o)