Wednesday, January 19, 2011

3" - 6" of Snow on the Way

While the next weather system sweeps in from the west, we're still working away up at MMS! We had snow flurries on and off all day today and I had to scrape a light coat of freezing rain from my car windows when I left the shop this evening, but it's just Coshocton winter as usual.

Karen stuffing receipts for mailing.

Karen's been busy with an extra day of receipting each week filling in for Rena who is recovering from surgery. I'm still working on documentation: updating for 2011, revising, designing in Microsoft Publisher, and then turning them into active PDFs in Acrobat Pro. I know just enough to make a simple PDF that can be filled in, saved, and then attached back. Little by little I'm transforming my paper world into more of an electronic one.

I did spend an our so so working on a new prayer card for one of our mission families. We shot the photo yesterday and I was able to PhotoShop the file this afternoon. Praise the Lord I saved a "template" and then worked from a copy because right in the middle of everything--I made a standard left click to transfer color from the "Paint bucket" into the MMS logo and PhotoShop informed me that something bad had happened somewhere and shut-down at the same instant. There wasn't any form of that file to be found ANYWHERE...Bummer, dude. Lost a little work, but not all of it. I should be able to pick back up tomorrow at nearly the same place as the crash occurred.

Working on the prayer card before the crash...

The Missionary Mutts hadn't had much of a presence on the blog lately so we'll add a couple snapshots from the Cabin Fever Cockers. They, as well as we, miss the walks we regularly get in when the weather is nice. It can still be "nice" when it's cold, we just can't walk when it's nice and icy...



Thanks for your gifts and prayers that enable us to serve!


Lisa said...

Ummm...would that picture happen to be ours??

Old Codger said...

Could just could be...

Anonymous said...

I saw that you were getting a bad storm on the news this morning. Great Blog! What did Tanner do as he looks guilty! Going to the Dentist today Hope to talk to you Saturday. Love Dad

Old Codger said...

Tanner doesn't have to do anything to look guilty...