We use this map as a visual tool to help people grasp the strategic impact of MMS' ministry of preparing people and planes for worldwide mission service. The map features photos of the families and individuals who have completed service with MMS and where they continued their mission service beyond our hangar doors. The map also features "airplanes" which identify the more than 87 different missions we've served (and continue to serve) and where an airplane has come from to be repaired here in Coshocton. There are "wrenches" on the map representing the locations where MMS has sent maintenance teams to repair airplanes that weren't able to come to Coshocton. MMS has sent 116 of these Rapid Response Teams to locations around the world.
After so many years, many of the photos have suffered some wear and tear. Karen is removing the photos, re-backing them in a uniform format, laminating them, and replacing them one by one. She's also collecting prayer cards from recent grads and adding them to the wall.
Keith's Day
My morning was spent working on a combined project with Bob, our Training Manager, and then taking part in a group meeting. My afternoon was spent on a drive to Zanesville to pick-up the December issue of the MMS GroundCrew newsletter from the print shop. The newsletter is scheduled to be sorted, stuffed, and prepared for mailing next week.

A Short Week
I started out mentioning that the week at MMS has drawn to a close. Well, at least for Karen and I it has. We leave tomorrow for a weekend trip to California to attend my Grandmother's 100th Birthday! We leave for CA tomorrow morning and head back to Ohio Monday morning. It's going to be quick trip but a fun trip. 100 years is pretty amazing.
But then, my Grandmother IS pretty amazing. We love you Grandma, and we'll see you very soon!
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