Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tanner's New Hobby: Recycling

There's nothing like coming home in the evening to find
that Tanner's been busy recycling things in the kitchen.


chocolatechic said...

Ooopsie Poopsie

Anonymous said...

Tanner's statement- "I am proud to have made this contribution." Love Dad

Anonymous said...

I read your blog often and am always on the run so I don't leave comments - but this picture is sooo hilarious. We used to have a cocker spaniel that looked very similar. She used to find the kleenex boxes and meticulously pull out every tissue and then shred them, but not until she carried them all over the house. It would look like it snowed all over the living room floor - and she would also go through the trash and leave us with the same blessings as your sweet Tanner!

Hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving, and love reading your blog.
God Bless,
Kathy Lawler