Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tanner's A Happy Dog Again

Tanner has had quite the fall season this year. The poor little guy was about crazy with scratching his ears, gnawing on his paws and trying to reach his belly with his back paws. When his ears were getting red and swollen inside we decided it was time to go and see our friends at A-1 Vet Care. They always take good care of our dogs. Unlike human care these days we can generally call A-1 and get the dogs in the same day.

Just like a kid, Tanner wants to be VERY close to us when we get to the vet's office (Keith's lap being the place of choice). He reluctantly, but obediently, sat on the scale and weighed in at 39.5 lbs. As Dr. Poland confidently and carefully lifted Tanner to the examination table, Tanner looked to Keith for comfort. How can anyone resist that face???? Keith came to his side and Tanner did what he often does when he is submitting to something he is not keen on, he buried his face in Keith's arm pit. Tanner is very good at "burying his head in the sand"....or in this case, in the pits! His philosophy? "If you can't see it, it can't hurt you!"

As we left the examination room he darted for the door but we had to stop at the front desk and say hello. He got a treat just for showing up! By the time we reached that point, Tanner's courage began to return. Then his courage and dignity fully returned and he began to growl at the next animal (and person) that came in the Vet's door! He's ba-ack!

So, now with some medication Tanner is feeling quite good again and as you can see from this picture, he is resting quite well. No more itching! Yeah!

Tanner Lou snoozing contentedly. Ah! Allergy relief.


Anonymous said...

He looks great! Sorry we missed him this year! Love Dad

Old Codger said...

Yes, he does look great! Tanner missed you this year, too. We're hoping his symptoms don't return when the medicine runs out.