Thursday, January 8, 2009

Karen's Komments: Got Mail?

During the usual work week at MMS someone stops daily at the post office to bring the MMS mail up to the hangar. Two days a week that somebody is me. It's always a blessing to find a full mail box. There is just something nice about hearing from folks you know, don't you think? At MMS we have the added blessing of receiving mail that contains the support that folks send to keep MMS, and each of its families, serving to further the Gospel. Every day that mail gets opened, date-and-deposit stamped, and sorted according to the donor's preference for their gift. In a usual week, Rena does that job on Tuesdays. On Fridays I do.

However, this was no USUAL week. With the new year comes a different routine. But,then again, it's not really routine at all! Having agreed that none of us would go in to MMS to sort mail during the ten days that MMS was shut down over the holidays, we had a "Santa-sized" load of mail when we returned on Monday!

This happens every year so we expected it. I grabbed my great big ragged LLBean canvas bag and headed for the post office. As I checked through the envelopes in our over-stuffed box one gentleman looked over and said to his friend, "I'm glad I don't have to sort through THAT mess!" I looked over and with a smile replied, "It's all good stuff". His friend looked at me, (having seen the address on the envelopes) and said, "MMS Aviation?" I nodded and he replied with a wink. It's nice when you find someone in our little town who understands and appreciates the ministry of MMS.

Well, getting on with my story--with my canvas bag so full its very structural integrity was in question, I arrived at the mission and Rena was waiting as promised. Sorting this much mail takes more than one of us! So we thought up a plan of attack and started in, chatting all the while about what our Christmas celebrations were like. Before noon we felt like we had it pretty well on the way when Chuck walked in asking, "Where should I put this?" Chuck was holding a white corrugated box that had a familiar look to it. I'd seen them before. It was another large postal container! Recovering from the shock, Rena and I asked, "What's in there?" As it turns out, the MMS post office box had gotten so full over the break that the postman filled a bin with the REST of the mail and so kindly delivered it in his truck. WOW! The blessings were overflowing!

After about 4 hours we got the mail sorted. By Friday, Rena and I should have all the gifts entered in the computer and be caught up and back to receipting two days a week as usual. It's a fun week really. Fun to see the Lord's blessing on His work at MMS, fun to see the familiar names who are the faithful in giving, fun to see the names of those who have given special year-end and Christmas gifts and fun to be at the hangar refreshed and catching up with everyone after the break.

Rena and I working on sorting mail.

On Thursdays I change my focus at MMS from accounting to Human Resources. I'll get back to catching up with receipts tomorrow but today, as every Thursday, I was the HR assistant. This is still a fairly new role for me and I'm still learning. So far I help Keith with keeping statistical worksheets, answer requests for information about MMS, answer the phones, and write thank you notes for the organization. I also track support for those raising support to come to MMS and send them the information so they know who has made pledges, and help Keith with orientations and interviews and whatever else comes up that needs doing. I love being able to serve side by side with Keith. It's truly a blessing. Many have said that working with your spouse can be challenging if not down right dangerous but Keith and I have not found that to be so. We look forward to the days we are both working in the office.

Copying the pages for the MMS Ministry Information Manual.

Binding the information manuals.

So, that's my week. What have YOU been up to since the holidays have passed? I hope you are finding that your days are full of the joy of the Lord as you walk with Him. He is so faithful!

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