Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Last Week's Winter Storm Hit Today

The snow started falling this morning and hasn't stopped. We had six inches on the ground by the time I made it home from the shop. What's nice about this snow is it's actually "nice" snow. It's not the more typical Coshocton County snow which (in this native Californian's opinion) could be placed in the "bad" snow category.

Nice snow falls gently, stays white and clean and fluffy, is easy to drive on, light to shovel, and tastes good.

Bad snow (more typical around here) is wet, packs instantly to ice, is usually followed by rain the then ice and then a freeze before more snow, is treacherous to walk or drive on, is difficult and heavy to shovel, and tastes like either the local paper mill or the coal-fired power plant.

Here is "nice" snow falling at MMS earlier today.

One thing about snow is that Tucker and Tanner really enjoy it. It was getting dark by the time we made it outside so the video is dark as well, but I tried to capture some of their excitement in this clip.

Tanner and Tucker have a romp.

Our high temp tomorrow is forecast to be 11 degrees and Friday's high is supposed to be 9 degrees. Compared to our friends up north, we're in a heat wave. A bit of advice to all our friends in California and down Georgia and Florida way...remember to put on your sunscreen and wear a wide-brimmed hat.


chocolatechic said...


Why are you eating snow?

Old Codger said...

Well, I'm not a major consumer of snow, but a snowflake or two has been known to land in my mouth when I'm outside huffing and puffing while walking Tanner or dashing between the hangars at MMS or while shoveling snow. It's not like I have a bowl of snow for breakfast, but thanks for providing the opportunity for me to clarify that!

Anonymous said...

Fun watching the dogs! And, yes, while we sit outside on the driveway in our t-shirts, shorts and sandals, we'll be sure to use our sunscreen here in SoCal. Cooling off a little - Only supposed to get to 80 degrees tomorrow.

Old Codger said...


Just so you know, it's zero degrees right now as I get ready to head out to MMS...

Anonymous said...

Hi Keith and Karen and Co
Looks like you're having a great winter. We're a bit warmer here in Nairobi...
Adrian and Lindsay and boys