Thursday, January 8, 2009

The New Year Continues

Time is really slipping away. I can't believe it's already Wednesday. I joined facebook over the weekend. The learning curve is proving to be substantial and fills the evenings as I develop my page, make contacts, and learn all the various aspects of the application. I can see where it will be quite a tool as we continue in ministry, nurture existing relationships, and develop new relationships. It is a great way to stay in touch with a large group of friends without having to travel beyond the keyboard. I look forward to how the Lord is going to use it in our ministry.

It's been the normal start to a new year at MMS. The guys in the hangar spend the first couple days counting all the parts, raw materials and supplies. Then we spend most a day, like today, reviewing our SOP manual page by page. It's a good process, it facilitates communication, and also provides the opportunity to discuss and make changes where changes are necessary.

Karen's been very busy at MMS this week but I think she's going to blog about that tomorrow evening.

Administratively, things are always busy and transitioning from one year to another always has its challenges. A couple exciting things on the horizon: 1) We'll pick Andrew Porter up at the airport next Monday. Andy is the next apprentice to come over from MAF-UK, and 2) in March Bat-enkh Lkhamsuren is coming back over from Mongolia to stay with us for a month. Bat lived with us for six months in 2004 in preparation to test for his mechanic's certicate. He serves with Blue Sky Aviation over there. It will be fun to have Bat-enk back with us.

We're looking at a week of snow flurries. We had some freezing rain yesterday and sleet and snow today. There's about an inch on the ground right now.

We had a really good worship team practice tonight. The song set is powerful and we're familiar with the music so it's going to be fun, fun, fun.

We'll, it's time for us to call it a night. Thanks for praying and paying for us to serve. We couldn't be here without you being there. May God's blessings be upon you.

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