Saturday, June 6, 2009

Bath Day

With company coming tomorrow, and after a romp in the woods by the airport this morning, it was Bath Day for Tucker and Tanner. Tucker was particularly disappointed as she'd found a wonderful pile of aromatic material to roll in while on the romp and was quite enjoying the organic "perfume" smeared all over the side of her face and inside her left ear.

Tucker went first, as ladies should, and Tanner followed. Here's a brief photo documentary:

Oh the pain of it all.

Tucker's final rinse.

Tanner tried to hide in their dog house.


This doesn't feel so bad.

Tanner's final rinse.

Tanner & Tucker air-drying on the deck.

1 comment:

lpklusty said...

It sure is good to see that some pets like a bath. Our two fight it tooth and nail. Usually we get soaked and scratched up but we win in the end! Do you think they could teach mine to settle down and just go with it???