Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday Catch-up

Friday Night
Friday night we attended a free movie under the stars in the lot where the Park Hotel used to be on Main Street here in Coshocton. Abandoned for years, the once high-end Park Hotel burned down several years ago. It was a big fire (as the first floor was a Sherwin/Williams paint store). The local firemen did a great job saving the businesses connected to the hotel and by that saving the whole city block. All that's left is a dirt patch where the hotel use to stand.

Recently a local contractor donated sod to make a green island in the sea of brown dirt. This sod is the seating area for the "theater under the stars." Karen and I had great fun attending the first event which started at 9:15 PM. The event featured the movie "Shrek" and it was a fun time of families on blankets, folding chairs, popcorn and sodas. Karen brought some hot chocolate. The movie was shown on a smooth section of a remaining wall that had been painted white. The movie was free and popcorn and sodas were available for donations.

Here's the theater.

We'll probably be there again this Friday night.

Saturday we worked around the house in the morning, attended an open house for one of the MMS kids graduating from high school in the early afternoon, bought mulch and then spread the mulch in our expanded salsa garden through the evening. We'll get some photos of the garden posted before too much longer.

Sunday was another great day of worship at Fresno Bible Church. Karen has back on the worship team for the past several Sundays. It always a little more fun when I'm drumming and Karen's singing. I play the drums every week, the ladies rotate on and off every six weeks.

After worship we came home, loaded our bikes on the Honda and headed off on an adventure to explore Dillon State Park outside of Zanesville. It's about 28 miles SW from Coshocton. Tucker and Tanner weren't too happy with us being gone all morning and then leaving for the rest of the afternoon.

Tanner and Tucker are unhappy about us leaving again.

Dillon State Park is associated with a reservoir and, unless you're a serious mountain biker (which Karen and I are not) the trails are a hospital trip waiting to happen and a great opportunity for some sort of disaster show. The area was pretty, they had nice facilities and you can fish, but it really isn't what we were looking for as a fun place for middle aged missionaries to ride a bicycle for fun.

We did enjoy a picnic.

The view from our picnic spot.

It was a different way for us to spend a Sunday afternoon, we met some nice people, and learned a little bit more about east central Ohio.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You both are so blest! Love Dad