Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Karen Comes Home Tomorrow!

I'm busy organizing the house and doing laundry this evening. Karen's coming home from Georgia tomorrow night and the dogs and I are more than ready to return the home management responsibilities to her.

It's not that we've torn the place up while she's been away (though Tanner did eat a big, thick, hardbound library book over the weekend) but it's been six and a half years since I've really batched it for so long and it's taking a while for the skills to come back. It's been a good reminder of why I shouldn't ever live in anything larger than a one room apartment without a worthy woman to handle the home front and Karen is one Worthy Woman! Praise the Lord!

Every now and then, given the right situation, it can be good to be apart from each other for a time. And it has been good to be apart this time, but it's so much better to be together! Enough apart-ness for now. Come on home, Sweetie. It's going to be wonderful to be have you home!

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