Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday Good Morning

It's fifteen degrees and overcast this morning. The streets and most walkways are clear, though the grassy areas in town and around the county still have some snow cover.

Karen's in the kitchen making blueberry muffins and already has laundry going down in the basement. I'm working at my desk, drinking coffee and preparing our next young adult Sunday School lesson: Chapter 10 of Steve McVey's, Grace Walk.

Karen and I are currently leading the young adults through discussion of chapter 9 (and will probably spend a couple more weeks doing so) but as we're creating our own curriculum, I run each lesson by our pastor for his approval before moving ahead. Lord willing, I'll be able to put Chapter 10 on his desk tomorrow.

Grace Walk
is a challenging book that lends itself to dynamic discussion about God's word, law vs. grace, and Steve's perceptions of them. We're really enjoying leading the young adults through this book and are growing in our own faith and understanding through the process. It's win-win with Jesus Christ.

Tucker and Tanner are resting quiet and content in their beds. Little do they know that it's Cocker Spaniel Bath Day today...

Thanks for checking in. We're thankful you're interested and involved in our lives!

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