A Good Walk: My First Round of Golf in 2008
We've had some rain out here in Grass Valley, CA, too. It started yesterday with some gentle showers just as we walked to the first tee at the Lake Wildwood Country Club golf course. Yep, that's right, the Lord allowed me to get nine holes of golf in yesterday afternoon as part of a threesome with one of the young men from church (Thank you, Grant) and a client of his. Wahoo! We walked nine holes, enjoyed some good fellowship, and for some unknown reason I shot one of the best rounds of my short, 3 year golf "career" which was rather amazing as I was using borrowed clubs (Thank you, Matt) and hadn't played in four months! It was so much fun. (Thank you, Lord!)
We did get a little wet from the rain showers, but I actually had a game on until the 8th hole when the wheels kind of fell off. My drive on #8 barely passed the women's tee, and seven strokes later I was in the water hazard substantially short of the green. I had one birdie putt on a Par 5 (which I promptly turned into a bogie playing "ring-around-the-cup-collar") and a couple shots at par which also turned into bogies. No crisis, I struck the ball well off the tee and pretty much kept it in play with my irons.
Golf is m
y relaxation. It helps me laugh at myself and be an encourager to others. It challenges me to focus while keeping my mind clear. It totally reflects the realities of life in each stroke and has so many spiritual analogies it blows my mind. Mark Twain called golf, "A good walk spoiled." I would disagree with that. If the "good walk" IS spoiled, it's not because of the game.
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