Saturday, February 14, 2009

End Of the Week Headed into Vacation

After not having any power at the mission on Thursday because of the high winds on Wednesday night, full power was restored to MMS sometime Thursday night. This allowed everyone to report for a full day of work this morning. I had a very structured plan for the day which lasted right up until my day started. Some days are just like that. Before I knew it, it was 4 o'clock and nearly everyone else was going home except me and Mary but Mary never goes home (just joking Mary!). It's not often I work later than she does but I did tonight! Actually, Mary's a walking, talking, working miracle after needing emergency brain surgery last year. She's a testimony to God's grace, prayer, and a whole lot of faith.

Speaking of Mary, she posted an interesting blog tonight about the damage the wind did to the barn belonging to a mutual friend of ours. You can see pictures of the damage and enjoy Mary's blog by clicking here.

There were several projects I needed to finish before I left the mission tonight as next week Karen and I will be on vacation. We'll keep the blog up this time so check back often to stay current with our adventures.

To whet your appetite--our vacation starts tomorrow with me figuring (and Lord willing, filing) our taxes for 2008 (Wahoo!) and Karen cleaning the entire house (Whoopee!). Now, wouldn't you like to start every vacation of yours like that?

We have promised each other to do something fun together this week (besides filing taxes and cleaning house). We'll see what exactly that is as the week goes by.

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