Thursday, February 26, 2009

Guess What I Found!

Unlike some in our household, the dogs and I really like winter and snow. If it's cold, I like having the white coat of beauty over everything. In that aspect it's been a pretty nice winter. We've had snow and lots of it this year and colder than usual temperatures. So, even I am feeling more ready for spring than I usually am at this time of the year.

Yesterday I ran outside for a few minutes between having tea with my friend Shirley and waiting for my friend Michele to come so I could help her learn more about blogging. When what to my wandering eyes should appear???? This beautiful little yellow flower amongst the brown left overs of winter! I'm sure God knew this tiny little bit of perfection in His creation would bring great joy to His people. It's amazing the joy that came to me from this one little flower.

Spring is here! I was ready to call the construction workers outside (more about them in a later blog) to see the wonderful little piece of God's creation that lifted my heart...but, alas, they were out for lunch. I grabbed the camera to take pictures. I called my neighbor to tell her my first bulb had bloomed and Keith and I both scrambled to tell each other about it when he came home from work and he noticed it too.

The crocus in our side garden

Now I 'm not naive enough to think that we won't have a snow storm or cold temperatures before spring arrives for good, but that little flower gives me hope and joy for the season God is about to "spring" on us (get it!). Until then I'll enjoy using up the firewood on the front porch on those cold days and taking time to read snuggled up by the warmth of the fire. I'll praise God for the beauty of His creation. If we don't praise him the rocks would cry out! How could we NOT praise the Lord for the beautiful little pieces of perfection he put in place to bring us joy?

What "little" things in life are you overlooking that are worthy of praise?


Ralph and Brenda said...

Yes, that first spring flower is one of the most beautiful sites--it gives hope!

Karen said...

It sure does! I imagine you have quite a few blooming already down there.

Anonymous said...

So pretty.