If you recall, earlier in the week I told you I (Karen) was taking care of the Obarow's kitties while they are at OshKosh. Frankie has been hiding under the bed since day one when I come and the only way I get to see her is if I go up and lay down beside the bed and lift the bed skirt. She didn't care to come out or to be petted.
Well, yesterday Frankie's "love tank" must have run dry because she started coming down to see me! Now she comes each time I go over to visit and likes to be snuggled on....just a little. Being the senior kitty in the house she lets the kittens know when they get out of line.
Here are another couple of shots of the kittens.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Moving Toward A Diagnosis
We went to see Dr. Miller yesterday. We had a good appointment and I received a thorough exam. Dr. Miller thinks my pain may be related to the hernias I had repaired three years ago. Specifically, the right side incision. Interesting. That's a whole new direction of investigation.
I'm scheduled for a second CT scan Monday afternoon . We should know more after that. Until then it's just lie here, take pain pills, sit when able, hobble as I can, and wait.
Dr. Miller also provided a 24 hour, time release, muscle relaxant. Oh my, now THAT'S a nifty little pill.
One of Oswald Chambers' My Utmost For His Highest devotions for this week is really resonating with me. It's for July 29th and is titled, "What Do You See In Clouds?" The theme is two-fold in that Oswald makes the connection that (1) clouds are always connected with God's presence and (2) that instead of trying to "learn" what we can in our trials, he says that what God really wants us to do is "un-learn" the things that have drawn between us and the childlike relationship with Him that He seeks and desires. Unlearn. Simplify. Remove. Release until childlike faith is regained. Amen.
Dale, thanks for the bed "desk." Josh, thanks for mowing the yard. Dale & Debora and Josh & Kristi are two of the staff families Karen and I are privileged to serve with at MMS.
Today I'm feeling the most comortable that I've felt in the last two weeks. We greatly appreciate all your prayers.
I'm scheduled for a second CT scan Monday afternoon . We should know more after that. Until then it's just lie here, take pain pills, sit when able, hobble as I can, and wait.
Dr. Miller also provided a 24 hour, time release, muscle relaxant. Oh my, now THAT'S a nifty little pill.
One of Oswald Chambers' My Utmost For His Highest devotions for this week is really resonating with me. It's for July 29th and is titled, "What Do You See In Clouds?" The theme is two-fold in that Oswald makes the connection that (1) clouds are always connected with God's presence and (2) that instead of trying to "learn" what we can in our trials, he says that what God really wants us to do is "un-learn" the things that have drawn between us and the childlike relationship with Him that He seeks and desires. Unlearn. Simplify. Remove. Release until childlike faith is regained. Amen.
Dale, thanks for the bed "desk." Josh, thanks for mowing the yard. Dale & Debora and Josh & Kristi are two of the staff families Karen and I are privileged to serve with at MMS.
Today I'm feeling the most comortable that I've felt in the last two weeks. We greatly appreciate all your prayers.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Much Need Rain, Much Needed Rest
We had some much needed rain today. I also had another much needed chiropractor's appointment. It's slow going. I'm scheduled to see our regular doctor tomorrow morning and discuss the coordinated effort (between her, the chiro, and our massage therapist) to hopefully get me back to MMS before the middle of August. We'll see what God has planned...
One of the things I know He does have planned, now that I have all this time, is for me to re-read several books that are very good for my spiritual health: Grace Walk, Steve McVey; Obedience, Andrew Murray; On Being A Servant of God, Warren Wiersbe; and The Great Omission, Dallas Willard. If I'm still down, I'll continue reading The Book On Leadership, John MacArthur. I have books spread out all over the house near all the beds and couches so no matter where I go down, I have a book within reach.
This whole situation has also provided a wonderful oppotunity to just sit quietly and spend time with Him!
I'm fulfilling my MMS office responsibilities as best I can by laptop and by phone, and taking pain pills, and resting.
It's not all that exciting, I'm afraid, but at this point that's pretty much the plan at least through the next week.
Thanks for your prayers. Karen's taking really good care of me!
One of the things I know He does have planned, now that I have all this time, is for me to re-read several books that are very good for my spiritual health: Grace Walk, Steve McVey; Obedience, Andrew Murray; On Being A Servant of God, Warren Wiersbe; and The Great Omission, Dallas Willard. If I'm still down, I'll continue reading The Book On Leadership, John MacArthur. I have books spread out all over the house near all the beds and couches so no matter where I go down, I have a book within reach.
This whole situation has also provided a wonderful oppotunity to just sit quietly and spend time with Him!
I'm fulfilling my MMS office responsibilities as best I can by laptop and by phone, and taking pain pills, and resting.
It's not all that exciting, I'm afraid, but at this point that's pretty much the plan at least through the next week.
Thanks for your prayers. Karen's taking really good care of me!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Increasing Meds, Decreasing Activity
I'm afraid yesterday's pro-active response to feeling better was a bit premature. A few hours after writing yesterday's blog I was seriously regretting my adventurousness (and still am). I've gone back to more pain relief and less activity for a day or two in order to recover.
Lord willing, we'll know more later this week after another chiropractor's appointment and a visit with my regular doctor.
In the meantime, you might want to check out the MMS blog as I'm posting about our team up at Oshkosh!
To make the jump, click here.
I'm afraid yesterday's pro-active response to feeling better was a bit premature. A few hours after writing yesterday's blog I was seriously regretting my adventurousness (and still am). I've gone back to more pain relief and less activity for a day or two in order to recover.
Lord willing, we'll know more later this week after another chiropractor's appointment and a visit with my regular doctor.
In the meantime, you might want to check out the MMS blog as I'm posting about our team up at Oshkosh!
To make the jump, click here.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Increasing Activity, Decreasing Meds
Hello faithful blog readers, yes, it is I, once again blogging from flat on my back but be not disheartened or dismayed. I'm merely resting after a big day of increased activity with decreasing meds.
Thank you for your prayers, well wishes, and offers of assistance.
We're praising the Lord that I was finally able to sit and work at my home desk for several hours today and walked halfway up and back down our block two times without any major complications. Tomorrow I may go for a once around the block!
The pain has definitely diminished though stiffness lingers in my right hip and knee. I'll work from home again tomorrow as Karen heads back into the shop for the day. Lord willing, I'll be released to return to MMS on Wednesday after my next chiropractor's appointment and an appointment with our family doctor. I was about 35% today. Looking to be around 50% tomorrow after another night of rest.
At this point it's just looking like a muscle pull that should fully heal itself over the next few weeks. Hallelujah!
Here's a high-speed action shot Karen captured of me walking in front off our neighbor's house back into our own yard. Just call me "Blaze."
Thank you for your prayers, well wishes, and offers of assistance.
We're praising the Lord that I was finally able to sit and work at my home desk for several hours today and walked halfway up and back down our block two times without any major complications. Tomorrow I may go for a once around the block!
The pain has definitely diminished though stiffness lingers in my right hip and knee. I'll work from home again tomorrow as Karen heads back into the shop for the day. Lord willing, I'll be released to return to MMS on Wednesday after my next chiropractor's appointment and an appointment with our family doctor. I was about 35% today. Looking to be around 50% tomorrow after another night of rest.
At this point it's just looking like a muscle pull that should fully heal itself over the next few weeks. Hallelujah!
Here's a high-speed action shot Karen captured of me walking in front off our neighbor's house back into our own yard. Just call me "Blaze."
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Karen's Kitty Kare
One of the problems of having pets is that traveling becomes a pet-care issue. Boarding pets is expensive! God solved that issue by putting us and Tim & Michele Obarow right across the street from each other. Tim and Michele are also missionaries with MMS and, like us, they have pets. Their pets are of the feline variety. By providing homes for us so close together God has blessed us both with loving care for our pets when we need to be away.
Living right across the street is quite an advantage because we watch after each others pets and houses when we travel. Our dogs love "Aunt 'Chele" and "Uncle Tim"! It's a blessing when we are away to know the dogs are happily at home and tended to, the mail is always picked up, and the house is well taken care of.
Right now it's our turn to kitty sit. It's especially fun this time around since Tim and Michele have recently rescued two little kittens. They are brother and sister and were found in a box at the side of the road one day. Since they exchanged their box for a classic Victorian house with two loving owners, life has changed for the better for these two kittens! They have a delightful and loving home now and a big 'sister' named Frankie. Frankie is a blue eyed white beauty with brown patches. She's being shy so I couldn't get a picture of her today. But, Herbie and Lucy aren't shy at all!
Living right across the street is quite an advantage because we watch after each others pets and houses when we travel. Our dogs love "Aunt 'Chele" and "Uncle Tim"! It's a blessing when we are away to know the dogs are happily at home and tended to, the mail is always picked up, and the house is well taken care of.
Right now it's our turn to kitty sit. It's especially fun this time around since Tim and Michele have recently rescued two little kittens. They are brother and sister and were found in a box at the side of the road one day. Since they exchanged their box for a classic Victorian house with two loving owners, life has changed for the better for these two kittens! They have a delightful and loving home now and a big 'sister' named Frankie. Frankie is a blue eyed white beauty with brown patches. She's being shy so I couldn't get a picture of her today. But, Herbie and Lucy aren't shy at all!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Me? Dramatic?
As you've noticed, it's been a light week for blog posts--both at the MMS blog and this one. Sorry about that. We haven't forgotten about you. I'm afraid Monday started out with a debilitating migraine for Karen and then while sitting at my desk my right hip and later my knee seized up in classic "pinched nerve" style pretty much immobilizing me on the spot. There I was quietly sitting at my desk minding my own business carrying out MMS business when without warning, I was changed into a stumbling hunchback lurching around the administrative area grabbing at chair rails and door knobs to keep from falling over.
It was like someone shoved a knife in my hip and exploded a handgrenade under my knee.
I'd ridden my bike up to the shop that morning and Karen had come in, headache and all to handle receipting, so Karen drove us home on the verge of migraine blindness while I writhed and screamed in pain and thrashed around in the passenger seat. It wasn't pretty. Karen says after nearly seven years of marriage, she's still learning how to respond to my response to pain. She feels I can be quite "dramatic" at times. ME? DRAMATIC? WHAT?
So, other than having to care for a "dramatic" patient she's married to, Karen's now doing fine.
Me? I'm doing somewhat better after receiving a wonderful vial of pain pills and steroids from our family doctor. At least I can lay down and whimper instead of scream. I still can't sit, or walk, or stand for any length of time but 650mg of pain medicine six times a day does take the edge off.
The CT scan of my hip was normal, blood work eliminated the possibility of infection, the chiropractor says everything's where it should be, and our family doctor says to continue bed rest and pills and we'll reassess the situation on Monday.
My medical track record hasn't been that great since turning 50. Over the past three years, it seems I've faced one medical challenge each year. Since 2007 I've been a one man insurance deductible wrecking crew. And we really thought we'd make it through 2009 without incident. Typically all the tests confirm there's never anything wrong with me (other than stress and maybe too much caffeine). But it would be nice if it were cheaper to find out how healthy one really is!
Karen went in to the shop yesterday and brought the laptop computer home so this blog is being posted with me on my back in the guestroom bed.
Well, it's time for my next pain pill and another steroid. I guess I better wrap this up so I can remove the computer from my belly and have my beautiful live-in nurse, put ice on my back. God knew what He was doing when he picked an RN for my wife.
Giving Him all the praise!
Have a great weekend...
It was like someone shoved a knife in my hip and exploded a handgrenade under my knee.
I'd ridden my bike up to the shop that morning and Karen had come in, headache and all to handle receipting, so Karen drove us home on the verge of migraine blindness while I writhed and screamed in pain and thrashed around in the passenger seat. It wasn't pretty. Karen says after nearly seven years of marriage, she's still learning how to respond to my response to pain. She feels I can be quite "dramatic" at times. ME? DRAMATIC? WHAT?
So, other than having to care for a "dramatic" patient she's married to, Karen's now doing fine.
Me? I'm doing somewhat better after receiving a wonderful vial of pain pills and steroids from our family doctor. At least I can lay down and whimper instead of scream. I still can't sit, or walk, or stand for any length of time but 650mg of pain medicine six times a day does take the edge off.
The CT scan of my hip was normal, blood work eliminated the possibility of infection, the chiropractor says everything's where it should be, and our family doctor says to continue bed rest and pills and we'll reassess the situation on Monday.
My medical track record hasn't been that great since turning 50. Over the past three years, it seems I've faced one medical challenge each year. Since 2007 I've been a one man insurance deductible wrecking crew. And we really thought we'd make it through 2009 without incident. Typically all the tests confirm there's never anything wrong with me (other than stress and maybe too much caffeine). But it would be nice if it were cheaper to find out how healthy one really is!
Karen went in to the shop yesterday and brought the laptop computer home so this blog is being posted with me on my back in the guestroom bed.
Well, it's time for my next pain pill and another steroid. I guess I better wrap this up so I can remove the computer from my belly and have my beautiful live-in nurse, put ice on my back. God knew what He was doing when he picked an RN for my wife.
Giving Him all the praise!
Have a great weekend...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Elephants & DayTimers
Once in a while we are privileged to enjoy visits with those who have received their training at MMS and moved on to continue to serve where the Lord has called them. Recently we got to visit with Holgar and Maria Zeissler. They came to MMS from their home in Germany and left here to serve with Mercy Air in South Africa about 10 years ago. They have been there ever since.
In the past they have brought us pieces of their hand made and fired pottery. This time they brought us something quite different... an African calendar.
You may or may not be aware that the concept of time is very different in varied cultures. We have our "Day Timers" with a page for each day and a line for each hour so we can track our busy schedules. When we meet for appointments, even socially, we expect a pretty high degree of promptness.
Not so in Africa. When one goes to Africa from the United States or Germany, the concept of time has to be greatly adjusted. It's either that or the blood pressure gets greatly adjusted! The African calendar we received from the Zeisslers is a good example of what I mean:
Here is an African calendar....all twelve months of it!
Compared to My Daily Calendar
In the past they have brought us pieces of their hand made and fired pottery. This time they brought us something quite different... an African calendar.
You may or may not be aware that the concept of time is very different in varied cultures. We have our "Day Timers" with a page for each day and a line for each hour so we can track our busy schedules. When we meet for appointments, even socially, we expect a pretty high degree of promptness.
Not so in Africa. When one goes to Africa from the United States or Germany, the concept of time has to be greatly adjusted. It's either that or the blood pressure gets greatly adjusted! The African calendar we received from the Zeisslers is a good example of what I mean:
Have you figured out the African Elephant calendar yet? The biggest elephant is January, the next in line is February etc. It's July now so all of the elephants are facing to the left except for August through December. That's because they are not here yet! When August comes, we'll turn the next elephant so we know it's August. Isn't that simple? You know what else is nice? You don't have to get a new calendar every year!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Mark & April
Karen and I were blessed to welcome Mark & April Waddell to Coshocton and MMS yesterday afternoon. Mark & April are from South Carolina and are seeking the Lord's will for their life of service.
They'd emailed with me for several months about apprenticeship with MMS and it seemed an appropriate time for them to come up, visit the hangar, meet the guys, and spend some time with us. So they did.
After spending a couple hours at MMS Friday afternoon, we stopped a walk along the main street of Roscoe Village to do some browsing and window shopping. There was a cool breeze as a summer shower drifted through the area. The rain stopped shortly after we started walking (only chasing us inside one store) and it didn't start again until we climbed back in our cars to drive to the house. The showers were very brief.
Karen was home ahead of us and had one of her famous dinners waiting when we walked in. After the main course, we ate our Snickers Pie (home made by Karen) for dessert on the front porch enjoying the cool breeze, the increasing darkness, and the fire flies.
This morning we had a slow start, fueled-up on Karen's cherry coffee cake, and washed it down with Caroline's "Special Blend" Coffee from Grass Valley, CA.
After that it was off to Charm where the ladies hit Miller's Quilt and Fabric shop and Mark and I hit the Charm Boot & Harness Shop and Keim Lumber. After finding several good deals (and making a stop at Miller's Bakery) we were off to Berlin (pronounced BER-lin, NOT like the city in Germany) for a stop at Zinc's fabric (can you see a theme here?) and then on to Walnut Creek for lunch and a stroll through the bulk foods section. From Walnut Creek it was off to Pearl, OH and a stop at Pearl Valley Cheese to buy some sweet balogna and some cheese.
Shortly after arriving back at the house, Mark & April left for Kentucky where their church is currently involved in a missions project. They are continuing to pray as to whether or not pursuing apprenticeship with MMS is the next step on the path of obedience to God's calling on their lives.
We had a great time of fellowship, of talking about all the deep things one talks about when considering full-time mission service, and of being tourists.
Ministry takes on all forms and part of Karen's and my ministry is helping people discern God's will for their lives whether through electronic or personal communication, formal or informal means. It's such a privilege to enjoy and quite a responsibility to carry. Thanks for helping us serve in this way through your prayers, your friendship, your love, and your gifts.
They'd emailed with me for several months about apprenticeship with MMS and it seemed an appropriate time for them to come up, visit the hangar, meet the guys, and spend some time with us. So they did.
After spending a couple hours at MMS Friday afternoon, we stopped a walk along the main street of Roscoe Village to do some browsing and window shopping. There was a cool breeze as a summer shower drifted through the area. The rain stopped shortly after we started walking (only chasing us inside one store) and it didn't start again until we climbed back in our cars to drive to the house. The showers were very brief.
Karen was home ahead of us and had one of her famous dinners waiting when we walked in. After the main course, we ate our Snickers Pie (home made by Karen) for dessert on the front porch enjoying the cool breeze, the increasing darkness, and the fire flies.
This morning we had a slow start, fueled-up on Karen's cherry coffee cake, and washed it down with Caroline's "Special Blend" Coffee from Grass Valley, CA.
After that it was off to Charm where the ladies hit Miller's Quilt and Fabric shop and Mark and I hit the Charm Boot & Harness Shop and Keim Lumber. After finding several good deals (and making a stop at Miller's Bakery) we were off to Berlin (pronounced BER-lin, NOT like the city in Germany) for a stop at Zinc's fabric (can you see a theme here?) and then on to Walnut Creek for lunch and a stroll through the bulk foods section. From Walnut Creek it was off to Pearl, OH and a stop at Pearl Valley Cheese to buy some sweet balogna and some cheese.
Shortly after arriving back at the house, Mark & April left for Kentucky where their church is currently involved in a missions project. They are continuing to pray as to whether or not pursuing apprenticeship with MMS is the next step on the path of obedience to God's calling on their lives.
We had a great time of fellowship, of talking about all the deep things one talks about when considering full-time mission service, and of being tourists.
Ministry takes on all forms and part of Karen's and my ministry is helping people discern God's will for their lives whether through electronic or personal communication, formal or informal means. It's such a privilege to enjoy and quite a responsibility to carry. Thanks for helping us serve in this way through your prayers, your friendship, your love, and your gifts.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
MMS Benefits from Mission Aviation
It's interesting as an organization that directly supports mission aviation so that others may benefit from it, we very seldom directly benefit from mission aviation. However last week was one of those times.
Plans had been made for Dennis, our Chief Inspector; Mary, our Director of Office Administration; and Tim, our Production Manager; to meet with their counterparts at JAARS in Waxhaw, North Carolina. The meeting would take one full day. Driving to and from Waxhaw would add two full days to the trip.
As mission schedules were being adjusted to absorb Dennis, Mary, and Tim's three day absence from our hangar, and as driving plans were being made, the thought occurred to check and see if Gospel Carrier International (GCI) would be able to support this effort with one of their aircraft.
GCI was contacted and they quickly made their Cessna 310 available for the flight. Willams Chang, GCI's president and pilot, flew in the night before and the team departed early the next morning with the landing gear coming up as the sun was rising. They returned just before the sun began to set.
What a blessing! Because of the airplane, a three day trip turned into a one day trip, 20 hours of driving turned into 4 hours of flying, important meetings were held, and disruption of hangar operations was limited to only one work day.
This is the kind of thing that is happening all over the world as you read this blog. In some instances a twenty minute flight can save nearly two weeks of hard, dangerous travel on both land and water.
As a ministry serving the ministries that do the flying which serve the missionaries who'd otherwise be doing the walking, hiking, running, climbing, and paddling, we're greatly aware of the benefits of safe air transportation. We spend our days dedicated to preparing the people and the airplanes which will ensure this type of service for many more years to come. It's just nice to enjoy to fruit of our labor now and then.
Thank you for your gifts and prayers that enable each of us at MMS to serve the Kingdom in such a unique way.
Plans had been made for Dennis, our Chief Inspector; Mary, our Director of Office Administration; and Tim, our Production Manager; to meet with their counterparts at JAARS in Waxhaw, North Carolina. The meeting would take one full day. Driving to and from Waxhaw would add two full days to the trip.
As mission schedules were being adjusted to absorb Dennis, Mary, and Tim's three day absence from our hangar, and as driving plans were being made, the thought occurred to check and see if Gospel Carrier International (GCI) would be able to support this effort with one of their aircraft.
GCI was contacted and they quickly made their Cessna 310 available for the flight. Willams Chang, GCI's president and pilot, flew in the night before and the team departed early the next morning with the landing gear coming up as the sun was rising. They returned just before the sun began to set.
What a blessing! Because of the airplane, a three day trip turned into a one day trip, 20 hours of driving turned into 4 hours of flying, important meetings were held, and disruption of hangar operations was limited to only one work day.
This is the kind of thing that is happening all over the world as you read this blog. In some instances a twenty minute flight can save nearly two weeks of hard, dangerous travel on both land and water.
As a ministry serving the ministries that do the flying which serve the missionaries who'd otherwise be doing the walking, hiking, running, climbing, and paddling, we're greatly aware of the benefits of safe air transportation. We spend our days dedicated to preparing the people and the airplanes which will ensure this type of service for many more years to come. It's just nice to enjoy to fruit of our labor now and then.
Thank you for your gifts and prayers that enable each of us at MMS to serve the Kingdom in such a unique way.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Our New Organizational Display Arrived Today
Today was an exciting day.
After several months of photo sorting and selection, web research, brain-storming, meetings, phone calls, and emails, our new MMS table-top display arrived and it looks GREAT!
While each of us have our own individual display board and materials which we use on behalf of the organization, MMS itself was in need of a new, professional-grade display. With our commitment to send staff to represent MMS at EAA's AirVenture 2009 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin later this month, it was time to make the investment.
Thanks to Tammy Farrell of TNT Graphics, the finished product is fantastic. Tammy designed and handled the whole thing. Tammy's worked hard for us the past four years putting the MMS GroundCrew newsletters together. For those, I send her the photos, the copy, and the captions and she takes the raw materials and turns them into a thing of beauty. In fact she's working on the August GroundCrew right now.
Earlier this year, Tammy took on the challenge of redesigning the MMS brochure. She then integrated the brochure design into the table-top display. She is truly a blessing to this organization not only professionally, but also as a co-laborer as she donates her time and effort to MMS as a personal ministry.
Tammy, thank you! You're a blessing to our ministry and truly are a partner with us in preparing people and planes for worldwide mission service. If you'd like to contact Tammy about any graphic design needs you have, you can do so by email: tntsince87@comcast.net
After several months of photo sorting and selection, web research, brain-storming, meetings, phone calls, and emails, our new MMS table-top display arrived and it looks GREAT!
While each of us have our own individual display board and materials which we use on behalf of the organization, MMS itself was in need of a new, professional-grade display. With our commitment to send staff to represent MMS at EAA's AirVenture 2009 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin later this month, it was time to make the investment.
Thanks to Tammy Farrell of TNT Graphics, the finished product is fantastic. Tammy designed and handled the whole thing. Tammy's worked hard for us the past four years putting the MMS GroundCrew newsletters together. For those, I send her the photos, the copy, and the captions and she takes the raw materials and turns them into a thing of beauty. In fact she's working on the August GroundCrew right now.
Earlier this year, Tammy took on the challenge of redesigning the MMS brochure. She then integrated the brochure design into the table-top display. She is truly a blessing to this organization not only professionally, but also as a co-laborer as she donates her time and effort to MMS as a personal ministry.
Tammy, thank you! You're a blessing to our ministry and truly are a partner with us in preparing people and planes for worldwide mission service. If you'd like to contact Tammy about any graphic design needs you have, you can do so by email: tntsince87@comcast.net
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Saturday Dog-Wash and Deck Repair
The weekend is here and we are enjoying the change of pace. Yesterday I got home before Keith so we met half way on our bikes when he was ready to head home from the hangar. Shortly after we met we realized that our church softball team was playing their Friday night game in about 20 minutes so we made a quick change of plans, turned our bikes around and headed for Lake Park. It was fun to cheer the team From Fresno Bible Church on as they played 2 games in a row. They were undefeated for the season......until last night. Maybe we should have stayed home! It was the only time we've been there to watch and the only time they've lost...Did WE do that???? It was a nice time too to catch up with others from church, find out how the gardens are growing, what veggies everyone is getting out of the garden, who has what recipe for canning what and so forth. We even got invited to a square dance. Unfortunately we won't be here the weekend it's happening. I couldn't say for sure, but I think I feel a little more sad about that than Keith....there might even have been a hint of relief I saw on his face. ;o)
Today we enjoyed the early morning hours just talking. We got up at our leisure knowing there was no schedule we had to meet. Keith caught us both up on the latest news while I made whole wheat-oatmeal pancakes for breakfast. I guess you could say that pancakes have become our Saturday morning tradition when we are home. Then it was time to move onward and upward to see what we would do for the day.
Since we had two rather doggie-smelling dogs I got out the towels and hose and gave Tucker and Tanner baths.....nice improvement! Keith got out the tools and is working on some repairs needed on our back deck.
Wherever we are, Tanner and Tucker like to be close by "supervising." Since Keith is on the deck and I'm working here at the computer they love being comfy by the back door, catching the breeze and not missing a move.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
"Wee" Visitor
We had a visitor at our house last night. Those from Scotland might say a "wee visitor". Our little buddy Jackson came to play with Uncle Keith and Aunt Karen for a bit while his folks and grandparents made a visit to the hospital a few blocks away. We enjoyed the time with Jackson. He's growing up so much so fast. They were on vacation last week and it's amazing how much he seemed to learn in only a week.
He's always been a bit hesitant about the dogs at our hosue. We keep them gated in the kitchen while he is here. But, not this time. He walked right up to their gate and just "ruff-ruffed" right back at them and went back to see them often.
Since it was such a nice day we got out the big yard toy that generally just sits in our garage until we can find some little one to come and play with us! My Mom once taught me that if I wanted to enjoy playing with little kids I needed to find some toys that I enjoyed playing with too. My Mother was a wise woman. (I can't wait until Jackson's old enough to build with the Lincoln Logs!). :o)
This is an air filled tent sort of thing that has a big cheese room, an apple room and all connected by a big green worm.
Jackson spotted it and was soon exploring the ominous thing.
Jackson was a little surprised that it didn't bounce back!
He's always been a bit hesitant about the dogs at our hosue. We keep them gated in the kitchen while he is here. But, not this time. He walked right up to their gate and just "ruff-ruffed" right back at them and went back to see them often.
Since it was such a nice day we got out the big yard toy that generally just sits in our garage until we can find some little one to come and play with us! My Mom once taught me that if I wanted to enjoy playing with little kids I needed to find some toys that I enjoyed playing with too. My Mother was a wise woman. (I can't wait until Jackson's old enough to build with the Lincoln Logs!). :o)
This is an air filled tent sort of thing that has a big cheese room, an apple room and all connected by a big green worm.
After he explored the outside of it a bit he started working on figuring it out. We threw some balls in the door first. They seemed to do OK. The worm gave them back.
Throwing balls in the "worm"
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Amish Scenes
I was able to take some snapshots of the countryside during our Saturday afternoon trip into Amish Country. These are very typical scenes as you drive through northern Coshocton County and into Holmes County. Be sure to click on the pictures to enlarge them.
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Farm in Walnut Creek (Part 2)
Here are some additional snapshots from our afternoon at The Farm at Walnut Creek. Tomorrow I'll post some scenery shots from the trip.
You can drive the road through the animal reserve in your car, but it's well worth the extra $5 to take the wagon ride!
You can drive the road through the animal reserve in your car, but it's well worth the extra $5 to take the wagon ride!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
July 4th, Amish Country and The Farm (Part 1)
Karen and I enjoyed a mini-vacation" today. We left the house this morning headed for Charm which is in Holmes County, the heart of Ohio's Amish community, and thought we'd start the day at Miller's Bakery which has the gooiest, biggest, and fattest home-baked donuts this side of Heaven. But the bakery was closed for July 4th. We then thought we'd try Carpenter's Cafe inside Keim Lumber (also in Charm) but it was closed, too. So we settled for breakfast at Grandma's Homestead Restaurant. Not a bad compromise.
After breakfast we walked across the street to Charm Boot & Harness shop. If you're tired of shopping at Wal-Mart and want a GOOD pair of boots (work, casual, dress, western, sport, safety) this is THE place to go. Trust me, the Amish know their boots. The variety is somewhat mind boggling.
And for all those ladies out there who are wondering if we stopped at the Pottery Niche (also in Charm) to browse some Polish Pottery...well no, we did not! That'll be a different trip.
So, there we were in Charm (and I've pretty much listed every building IN Charm) so we headed up Holmes County 70 and decided to check out The Farm just outside of Charm which didn't cause any harm (all of a sudden I feel like I'm in The Princess Bride making rhymes...)
Okay...this is IT. You have got to go to The Farm! I'm serious. We had a blast petting zebras and feeding giraffes, ostrich, buffalo, crazy Highlander cattle and Rambo the Elk while riding on Noah's Wagon, as opposed to his Ark, all right there in between the Amish barns and buggies!
Here are some pictures!
What fun way to spend the afternoon. Noah was a great host and knew a lot about all the animals. Go figure!
Thank you for making it possible for us to have some fun while we serve Christ with MMS Aviation. May God richly bless you as He continues to richly bless us!
After breakfast we walked across the street to Charm Boot & Harness shop. If you're tired of shopping at Wal-Mart and want a GOOD pair of boots (work, casual, dress, western, sport, safety) this is THE place to go. Trust me, the Amish know their boots. The variety is somewhat mind boggling.
And for all those ladies out there who are wondering if we stopped at the Pottery Niche (also in Charm) to browse some Polish Pottery...well no, we did not! That'll be a different trip.
So, there we were in Charm (and I've pretty much listed every building IN Charm) so we headed up Holmes County 70 and decided to check out The Farm just outside of Charm which didn't cause any harm (all of a sudden I feel like I'm in The Princess Bride making rhymes...)
Okay...this is IT. You have got to go to The Farm! I'm serious. We had a blast petting zebras and feeding giraffes, ostrich, buffalo, crazy Highlander cattle and Rambo the Elk while riding on Noah's Wagon, as opposed to his Ark, all right there in between the Amish barns and buggies!
Here are some pictures!
What fun way to spend the afternoon. Noah was a great host and knew a lot about all the animals. Go figure!
Thank you for making it possible for us to have some fun while we serve Christ with MMS Aviation. May God richly bless you as He continues to richly bless us!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Karen and I had some fun last night. One of the families that just completed MMS, Gertjan & Glenda Kamphorst, invited us, Dennis & Mary, and Dwight & Rena over for food and fellowship. Dennis is Chief Inspector at MMS, Mary is the accountant, Dwight is CEO, and Rena, Dwight's wife, splits receipting responsibilities with Karen.
Gertjan is from Holland and Glenda is from the Philippines. They have two small children, Johan and Marielle, that Gertjan jokingly refers to as their little "holla-pinos". Get it? Holland-Philippino? Sounds like jalepeno? We thought it was funny...
Gertjan and Glenda are in the process of transitioning to service with MAF. They wanted to have us over before they moved from the area and to introduce us to a traditional Dutch fellowship meal. It's kind of like fondue except there's no fondue. There's a griddle.
A variety of meats and vegetables are prepared and then everyone cooks their own food on the griddle in front of them, eating as things are cooked, passing things around, using different sauces, talking, and laughing, and enjoying each other as everything takes place at once.
It was a lot of fun, we left full, and are thinking we'll need to buy a griddle. I'm sure there's a Dutch name for this type of meal but we don't know what it is. And if we did, we probably wouldn't remember it so we decided to forever identify the meal with Gertjan & Glenda (whom we will remember) by changing their last name to a verb and calling the dinner "Kamphorsting" in their honor.
So, if you're ever in the area and we invite you over to "Kamphorst" or for "Kamphorsting" you'll know what's on the evening's agenda!
Gertjan is from Holland and Glenda is from the Philippines. They have two small children, Johan and Marielle, that Gertjan jokingly refers to as their little "holla-pinos". Get it? Holland-Philippino? Sounds like jalepeno? We thought it was funny...
Gertjan and Glenda are in the process of transitioning to service with MAF. They wanted to have us over before they moved from the area and to introduce us to a traditional Dutch fellowship meal. It's kind of like fondue except there's no fondue. There's a griddle.
A variety of meats and vegetables are prepared and then everyone cooks their own food on the griddle in front of them, eating as things are cooked, passing things around, using different sauces, talking, and laughing, and enjoying each other as everything takes place at once.
It was a lot of fun, we left full, and are thinking we'll need to buy a griddle. I'm sure there's a Dutch name for this type of meal but we don't know what it is. And if we did, we probably wouldn't remember it so we decided to forever identify the meal with Gertjan & Glenda (whom we will remember) by changing their last name to a verb and calling the dinner "Kamphorsting" in their honor.
So, if you're ever in the area and we invite you over to "Kamphorst" or for "Kamphorsting" you'll know what's on the evening's agenda!
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