He's always been a bit hesitant about the dogs at our hosue. We keep them gated in the kitchen while he is here. But, not this time. He walked right up to their gate and just "ruff-ruffed" right back at them and went back to see them often.
Since it was such a nice day we got out the big yard toy that generally just sits in our garage until we can find some little one to come and play with us! My Mom once taught me that if I wanted to enjoy playing with little kids I needed to find some toys that I enjoyed playing with too. My Mother was a wise woman. (I can't wait until Jackson's old enough to build with the Lincoln Logs!). :o)
This is an air filled tent sort of thing that has a big cheese room, an apple room and all connected by a big green worm.
After he explored the outside of it a bit he started working on figuring it out. We threw some balls in the door first. They seemed to do OK. The worm gave them back.
Throwing balls in the "worm"
What great pictures!! That looks like such a fun toy :)
Some nice day you'll have to bring Ethan down to play!
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