Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saturday Dog-Wash and Deck Repair

What are Keith and Karen up to today?

The weekend is here and we are enjoying the change of pace. Yesterday I got home before Keith so we met half way on our bikes when he was ready to head home from the hangar. Shortly after we met we realized that our church softball team was playing their Friday night game in about 20 minutes so we made a quick change of plans, turned our bikes around and headed for Lake Park. It was fun to cheer the team From Fresno Bible Church on as they played 2 games in a row. They were undefeated for the season......until last night. Maybe we should have stayed home! It was the only time we've been there to watch and the only time they've lost...Did WE do that???? It was a nice time too to catch up with others from church, find out how the gardens are growing, what veggies everyone is getting out of the garden, who has what recipe for canning what and so forth. We even got invited to a square dance. Unfortunately we won't be here the weekend it's happening. I couldn't say for sure, but I think I feel a little more sad about that than Keith....there might even have been a hint of relief I saw on his face. ;o)

Today we enjoyed the early morning hours just talking. We got up at our leisure knowing there was no schedule we had to meet. Keith caught us both up on the latest news while I made whole wheat-oatmeal pancakes for breakfast. I guess you could say that pancakes have become our Saturday morning tradition when we are home. Then it was time to move onward and upward to see what we would do for the day.

Since we had two rather doggie-smelling dogs I got out the towels and hose and gave Tucker and Tanner baths.....nice improvement! Keith got out the tools and is working on some repairs needed on our back deck.

Keith replacing a board on the deck floor

Wherever we are, Tanner and Tucker like to be close by "supervising." Since Keith is on the deck and I'm working here at the computer they love being comfy by the back door, catching the breeze and not missing a move.

Tucker and Tanner keep a close eye on the household chores

Hope you are having a happy Saturday too! Thanks for checking in on us.


Anonymous said...

Won't Be long now! Love Dad and Jane

Dave said...

Keith has the tools out, LOOK OUT, clear the area, women and children inside!!!